

作者:巧姐儿张 | 分类:游戏 | 字数:31.9万

第三十四章 废次品

书名:双语生命隧道 作者:巧姐儿张 字数:15550 更新时间:2025-03-07 01:40:15


Chapter 34 Waste Defective Goods

The development of social productivity, the progress of science and technology, makes people create new miracles every day. While those of exquisite products sent to society at the same time, inevitably brings its twin - waste defective goods. Bethe Douglas Company's business could not dispense also with this kind of trouble.


All the rebirth’s person who they to come out from The Tunnel of Life, lives in a **all villa of hillside of the south island in a short term, and they will spend three weeks or so for the adaptation. New people often encounter some problems in this period, with some talks are always out of tune, and the pronunciation is inaccuracy, some actions are not harmonious, no matter to do what with uncomfortable, some of both the two kind of appearance. Most the new one after a period of training could obtain satisfactory results, there is also a **all part after the exciting surprises, but encountered insurmountable obstacles.


Living at the villa B-12 of the rebirth’s person was a girl, she had a slender figure and a beautiful appearance. With judging from the specific looks, the company employees who had worked in system of The Tunnel of Life, all of them knew where she came from. It was to let people disappointed some which although her hardware foundation is good, and dresses well, but behaved badly and foul-mouthed, the facial muscles do not naturally twisted, looks very fierce. Under the full view of the public, she often is carelessness and shamelessness, and virtually is a possessed demon.



For this type of products that the hardware is basic normal and the software is badness, the Bethe Douglas Company refuses to return goods, they don't admit that this is defective. In this case, the customer must also spend money which for the most part 30000-50000 U S Dollar, entrusted the Bethe Douglas Company individually to debug, what it includes to modify information, clear the error data, and so on.

If it can't work, the Bethe Douglas Company there also is a trick, what it is to implant the chip in the brain of the rebirth’s person. But such measures often make customers like a different person, cause the client's family to question the authenticity of identity which the rebirth’s person, so it for the most part doesn't do this kind of treatment.


Living at the villa A-06 of the new one is a child. He belongs the class-A of the business that as Thomas ward of the same nature. Now from all aspects of the performance, his thinking clear and behavior normal, but he likes sleeping. He always says: ‘I’m Sleepy.’ He is shut-eyes a night, then opened his eyes in the morning to eat something and also wants to sleep, the waking hours less than 60 minutes a day.

假如一个人的生命老是以睡觉的形式度过,那该多乏味呀! 该客户的女儿向公司多次提出了这个问题,得到的答复是:“他在生命隧道里消耗了太多的精力,等他睡够了以后,自然也就不会再想睡了。”可是,三个星期过去了,症状仍不见明显好转。于是又有人告诉她:“好睡并不是什么毛病,比如有人好吃,吃得胖胖的,你能说是毛病吗?多睡睡觉,在梦乡里体察人生的乐趣,也是生命延续的一种形式。再者,合同只是要求返老还童,对睡眠的多少并无规定。”该客户的女儿对此种理论不能接受,要求公司方面赔偿。

If a person's life is always spent in the form of sleep, how boring that is! The customer’s daughter raised the issue many times to the company, the answer is: ‘His energy consumes too much in The Tunnel of Life, such as he slept enough, naturally don't want to sleep as well.’ Three weeks passed, however, the symptom still does not obvious improvement. Whereupon there is a man to tell her: ‘Like to sleep is not a defect, such as someone likes to have delicious eating, and changed to fat, can you say it's wrong? Profuse sleeping lets person have the pleasure of life in a dreamland, of cause it is also a form of continuous life. Moreover, the contract just asked to rejuvenate, but it no rules on how much sleep.’ The customer’s daughter can't accept this kind of theory, but demanded compensation from the company.



At present, the Bethe Douglas Company hadn't made the clear answer to this.

These two examples are that the waste defective in the Bethe Douglas Company where are several ****ogous examples of like these disappointing results. For instance, there is a rebirth’s person, after a cry for a little time then suddenly to laugh, what it is without restraint and reason as a neurological disorder. The customer's family said: ‘Do you let us accept a madman? It has to send him in a hospital after to go back!’ There are two new men, one eating without end to haven’t feeling with full, and another one just doesn’t eat, also lost the hungry feeling. About these cases, the company's initial reaction always excuses for prevarication,finally return the sale to settle.



That to visit for the new person in the short term is a job content of assistant director of The Tunnel of Life. After the return of the investigating, Emily gave Toby Wright some problems. Emily said: ‘ I can understand the manifestation of the newcomer to live in the B-12 villa, because he used to be a bully rogue. However, why the child can produce the sick drowsiness in the A-6 villa?’

Toby thought and to say: ‘May be the awakening is disorders of the central nervous system and the mechani** of sleep’




‘How it appears this kind of disorder?’

‘Oh, it's hard to say, do not rule out some information loss in the process of tran**ission.’

‘That's too bad, maybe our computer system has a problem?’




‘No! Our computer system is the first-class, the similar problems generating of the reason are very complex. We study after a long time, and still not a sure conclusion. There is the explanation nowadays, I think that you must be familiar with computers?’

‘Yes! I have two, one at the home and another at the office.’

‘Do you know what kind of the central processing unit (CPU) of the manufacturer with your computer to use?’




‘Two computers are Intel CPU.’

‘It seems that you understand the computer products for choosing, the computer with Intel CPU to be always the best.’

‘Is that so? I don't feel so that.’

托比说:“在这一点上,我很有感触。我在办公室的电脑是使用英特尔CPU的,而我又买了一台在家里使用,那台电脑的CPU是Cyrix 公司[4]的产品。有一天,我运行一个软件。我发现在办公室里的电脑上运行时,十分顺畅;但是,当我把这个软件拿到家里的那台电脑上使用时,却发现频频死机”

“哦?” 埃米莉有些迷惑。

Toby said: ‘I am to identify with this point. In the office, I have a computer which is to use Intel CPU, and another one used in the home that I bought, the computer’s CPU is the product of the Cyrix company. One day, I run a software. I have found that run on the computer in the office, it is very **ooth, but when I put the software on another computer at home, only to find frequent the system halted.

‘Oh?’ Emily some puzzled.



‘At first, I thought my home computer is out of order, but it is strange that it is not bad, it is the attitude just to refuse for some software. Then, a computer expert told me that this problem is caused by the compatibility. You know, when at the design of Intel CPU and Cyrix CPU, some the directives are incompatible with each other. So, when a software, or program is specially designed for the mainstream product of Intel CPU computer, take it to Cyrix CPU computer and running, it possibly appears the problem, this trouble just is caused by the compatibility.’

‘I see,’ Emily said, ‘your meaning that the system of The Tunnel of Life cannot fit everyone for individual differences, is it?’


Toby continued: ‘Yes, that is exactly what I mean. In our computer system, the software is designed according to the most normal people, so there is no problem for most people. However, in this world, there is a few different. For example, most people's language area is formed in the left hemisphere of the brain, but also someone in the right hemisphere. In life, you can find a lot of people like to use the right hand, moreover left hand in the fit state, however there are also some people to be just the opposite. In the body structure, the heart of most people on the left side, but there are very few people born on the right side. It is because that the genetic code produces the mistake which often makes some person appear such-and-such imperfection.’




‘Hold water.’Emily nod in approval.

‘Therefore, when all kinds of different and defective the individuals into the system of The Tunnel of Life will inevitably cause some problems by incompatible. Most of the problem is not so serious, what people often don't notice, if the problem is severe, then the trouble arises.’

‘Can't we have the way?’



‘In theory there is a way, we can singly design a program for each one of the different individuals, but it insanely is the high cost that to do so. Therefore, it won't solve of this kind the problem, company last general the method is to return the goods, but the genesic frequency of these kind things is not high, only less than ten percent.’

‘If it wants to sales return, will they be able to recover the original state as their respective ones?


‘For the company, this question is very simple, as long as the old body of the customer is found out from the warehouse, let him recover normal from the hibernation state. Because of our computer system just copies the information in his mind, and without of it is any damage to his brain. For the leather jacket it is much more serious situation, with the experiment proved that the system restored of the success rate equal zero. This is because what the leather jacket’s brain of the conscious content which it has already been covered in the tran**ission, and did not leave any information can be stored data, the recovering likes to make bricks without straw. However, this does not affect her again to be used, it usually is to put the individual of brain apsychia, temporarily stored in a freezer, once there is the demand, it will be the first to be used.’




‘It is no equity!’

‘Equity?’ Toby said with a note of doubt, ‘The world is never fair, what there are always some people to have a bad luck to be eliminated by the society. The most important thing is what you want to hold own destiny that won’t be on the chopping block.’

Emily and raised some questions, then Toby is given to the answer, also Emily here learned a lot from him that she had never thought about the problem.



When they discussed the problem, nevertheless, Gove Barker was very unhappy in the mind. In recent days, Gove found Joy who always hid with himself, what's more, she took much more contact with his potential competitors. Gove felt very uncomfortable.

Gove’s ancestors are German who was immigrant long ago in the South America, after several generations, because the recession and business broke then the family moved to north. They had goals at first may be the United States, but, it didn't know what the reason that they had been living in the Bahamas, by his father, now in Nichols town to run fruit business.



Gove in 18 years old, the old Barker in order to let his son would come out on top, then come up with savings of many years to take him to the university of US for studying. After graduation, just meet with Sherman's lab to recruit, so, he became a member of Bethe Douglas Company.

In recent years, although Gove did not prosperity that like his father’s expecting, nevertheless it still made a lot of money. Gove looks relatively common, and there is no conspicuous component that particularly comes to front, now, the hassle which with Joy lets Gove cannot be to restrain himself.


He began to entertain foolish ideas, complaining other and blaming the destiny unfair to himself. For the face which this with decades to him, then Gove had already lost patience to it that it is poor insipidity, without elegant moving, more no sense of humor. He was standing in front of a mirror, with his broad palm that fiercely took a slap toward his forehead. But the one who challenged in the mirror without weakness. He was very angry to bite the teeth of himself, and hard struck with the clenched fist. The mirror cannot withstand such a blow, it was to become into many fragments, then the character who in the mirror suddenly folded deformation, to be incomplete.


He did not pay attention to the bloodied hand to be cut by glass, he laughing, and it made him feel like a victor with the pleasant sensation of after the abreaction. Thirty seconds later, the blood was still coming out from the broken blood vessels, he stared at hand that began to shake up, only have to face the reality, he must to take a trip to the medical office. Walking on the road, he was fully awake, and he felt which it must to talk with Joy, just the time was this evening.

注: [1][2]中央处理器即CPU(Central Processing unit的缩写),是计算机进行数据处理的核心部件。

