

作者:谷主2020 | 分类:游戏 | 字数:38.2万


书名:最后的秘境六死神之光 作者:谷主2020 字数:15380 更新时间:2025-03-06 01:41:28




高晓飞感叹道:“Isn't this magic pool too much against scientific theory?(这魔潭也太违反科学理论了吧?)”

布莱特更是无奈地浮想联翩:“Could it be that the attraction of the magic pool is really controlled by some magic, which accounts for this inexplicable phenomenon?(难道,这魔潭的引力,真的是什么魔法在控制,所以才有了这种难以解释的怪现象?)”

凯丽苦思冥想:“According to physics, gravity is the force exerted on an object by the attraction of the earth, which is proportional to its mass;But apparently, this magic pool violates this scientific theory, and its gravity does not seem to have anything to do with the mass of the object, so how to explain this abnormal phenomenon?(根据物理学的相关知识,重力就是由于地球的吸引而使物体受力,它与物体的质量成正比;但很显然,这个魔潭违反了这一科学理论,它的引力似乎与物体质量没有什么关系,那么这种反常的现象,又该怎么样解释呢?)”

问天也感叹道:“Even if be again strong electromagneti** field, also impossibly absorb all material!But here, what kind of physical phenomenon?(就算是再强大的电磁场,也不可能把所有的物质都吸附!可这里,又是一种什么物理现象?)”

布莱特凝视着蓝洞,惊惧地说道:“If not, I prefer to believe that this is the entrance to hell, or that this pool was once cursed by death;Otherwise, a devil lived at the bottom of the pool, lurking at the bottom of the pool, watching over all that came, and showing off his magic to attract more creatures.(如果解释不了,那我宁愿相信这就是地狱入口,或者是这个水潭曾经受到过死神的诅咒;要不然,就是魔潭下面住着一个魔鬼,它潜伏在潭底,窥视着来到这里的一切物种,也不厌其烦地炫耀着它的神奇魔法,来吸引更多生灵的到来。)”

凯丽沉思道:“The most mysterious place, lies in the incredible gravity under the blue hole, no matter what passes above the blue hole, without exception, all fall into the pool, any material fate is the same, with the water, before the purpose of the first into the pool, what is this?(最神秘的地方,就在于蓝洞之下那令人难以置信的引力,无论什么东西经过蓝洞的上方时,无一例外都坠入潭中,任何的物质命运都是一样,与水相伴,未达目的而先入潭中,这到底是什么?)”

问天若有所思地说:“Perhaps there is another way to put it, that is, the gravity of black holes. Black holes are the most powerful gravitational field in the universe.Like a black hole devouring an object, such a strong gravitational field could exist on earth;The magic pool also has the possibility of this kind of gravitational field, is a place that can change the gravity, the magic pool has this strong gravity can be taken as proof.(或许,还有另一种说法,那就是黑洞引力。黑洞是宇宙中最强大的引力场,它所产生的巨大引力无可比拟,甚至连光也无法逃脱它的掌控,所以它经常吸走周围或偶然闯入的天体;和黑洞吞噬天体一样,地球上也可能存在着这样的强引力场;魔潭也有存在了这种引力场的可能,这可能就是一个可以改变地心引力的地方,魔潭具有这种强大的引力就可以做为证明。)”



凯丽思索着说:“If the origin of the black hole's gravitational field is true, then the formation of the blue hole's magic is the result of the topographic structure, at least more than a billion years!(如果黑洞引力场的成因成立,那就说明了这蓝洞魔力的形成是地形构造所至,最少也得在十亿年以上了!)”

布莱特道:“How did the primitive man who lived in this cave choose to live here?Isn't that dangerous?(那远古居住在这洞里的原始人,他们又是怎么选择住在这里的?这岂不是很危险吗?)”

高晓飞道:“The black hole's gravitational field is a kind of unusual super physical phenomena, the magic is only confined to the middle of the pool that little blue hole, as long as you don't go near the blue hole, the magic will can't catch the object, just like the dragons, it swimming is quite huge, only a close to the blue hole edge, magic was sucked down.(这黑洞引力场只是一种超乎寻常的超强物理现象,魔力也只是局限于水潭中间的那个小蓝洞,只要不去靠近蓝洞,魔力就抓不住物体。就好像刚才的野狗,它游水的时候还挺欢畅的,只是一靠近了蓝洞的边沿,才被魔力吸了下去。)”

问天点头道:“Xiaofei ****ysis is reasonable, as long as clear understanding of the law of the blue hole magic state, will not have too much fear of it, so, ancient primitive humans chose to live here, naturally there is their reason.(晓飞分析得有道理,只要了解清楚蓝洞魔力的规律状况,就不会对它产生太多的恐惧,所以,远古时代的原始人类选择了住在这里,自然是有他们的道理。)”

高晓飞环境四周,摇头道:“It seems to me that this place is full of oddities and horrors, so we'd better go.(依我看来,这个地方不但到处都透着古怪,还带着恐怖的气氛,我们还是走吧。)”


高晓飞从水潭边沿的石壁上扯下一段野藤,把那只被凯丽打死的野狗四脚捆绑住,把竹棍穿过去,对着布莱特喊道:“Brett! Come and give me a hand and carry this delicious dish out.(布莱特!过来搭把手,把这美味佳肴抬出去。)”

“Delicate fine dining?(美味佳肴?)”布莱特疑惑地问道,“You mean, wild dogs for food?(你是说,要把野狗当食物吗?)”

高晓飞以为他不准吃狗肉,奇道:“What a weird question you asked!No food, lost?This but it wants to eat us first, is the fairy in order to protect us from harm, desperate to kill it, the fault is it, not we.(你问得好奇葩啊!不当食物,难道丢了?这可是它先要吃我们,是仙女为了保护我们不受伤害,拼了命才把它反杀,错的是它,而不是我们。)”

布莱特摊了摊双手,笑着反问道:“It's the dog. I know that. I mean, is the meat edible?(错的是狗,这我知道,我的意思是说,这野狗的肉能吃吗?)”

高晓飞松了一口气:“Who says dog can't be eaten? It's the biggest treat in the world!(谁说狗肉不能吃了?这可是天底下最大的美味!)”把竹棍一摆,喊道,“Hurry, lift up, we are also primitive people now, almost every day to find food.(赶紧的,抬起来,我们现在也是原始人,几乎也要天天找食物的。)”






布莱特转头看了看正在忙碌着的问天和高晓飞,轻声地问凯丽道:“Kelly! Are they really going to eat dog meat?(凯丽!他们是真的要吃狗肉吗?)”

凯丽点了点头,笑道:“That's right!If we can eat pork, why can't we eat dog?Wild boar and wild dog, besides both are wild animals, the essence should not be different?(对呀!我们既然能吃猪肉,为什么就不能吃狗肉呢?野猪和野狗,除了都是野生动物之外,实质性应该没有不同吧?)”

“This is a wild dog, and we need food to survive in the Congo rainforest, but for dog meat, We've always discouraged eating it, and besides, is dog meat edible?(这是野狗,而我们现在为了能够活命走出这步步危机的刚果热带雨林,当然需要食物,但是对于狗肉,我们一直都不提倡食用,而且,狗肉能吃吗?)”

“I know that, but as far as I know, except for a **all number of western countries that don't eat dog meat, most countries have a tradition of eating dog meat.In China, the dog is one of the six animals.As early as in ancient times, the ancestors of the Chinese people successively chose horses, cattle, sheep, chickens, dogs and pigs for breeding and domestication according to their needs of life and their understanding of the animal world. After a long time, they gradually became livestock and were all edible domesticated animals.(这我知道,但据我所知,世界上也就除了一小部分的西方国家不食用狗肉之外,大部分的国家都有食用狗肉的传统;特别是在亚洲,食用狗肉非常普遍,非洲人就更加什么都吃。在中国,狗是六畜之一。所谓的六畜,就是泛指家畜,分别是马、牛、羊、猪、狗、鸡。中国人的祖先早在远古时期,根据自身生活的需要和对动物世界的认识程度,先后选择了马、牛、羊、鸡、狗和猪进行饲养驯化,经过漫长的岁月,逐渐成为了家畜,都是可以食用的驯养动物。)”凯丽听问天和高晓飞讲述过很多的中国传统典故,说起来还是头头是道。

“But western countries are opposed to eating dog meat, feel so uncivilized, not to reflect a country's national civilization level of high bottom and quality.(可西方国家都反对吃狗肉,觉得这样不文明,体现不了一个国家民族文明程度的高低和素质。)”

凯丽摇了摇头,说:“I do not agree with this view, a country's national civilization level high base and quality, which has nothing to do with what to eat;Of course, hunting wild animals is very hateful, but as long as it is raised livestock, as long as it is not stolen, is allowed to eat;Does not mean they are prey to eat dog meat, in contrast, the world situation, but do not eat dog meat of the west race more aggression, rough degree is higher, basically the colonies all over the world is caused by the western powers, after world war ii, most of the world's only colonies won independence, now a lot of war between race and border, also because of the colonial period of harm, this can explain what again?(我并不认同这种观点,一个国家民族文明程度的高底和素质,这和食用什么并没有任何的关系;当然,捕食野生动物是非常可恨的,但只要是饲养的家畜,只要不是偷盗而来的,都是可以允许食用的;吃狗肉的并不见得就都有劣根性,反观世界局势,反而是不吃狗肉的西方国家发起的种族侵略更多,野蛮程度更高,全世界基本上的殖民地都是由西方列强所造成的,二次世界大战之后,世界上大多数的殖民地才获得了根本独立,而现如今很多的种族和国界之间的战争,也都是因为殖民期间所遗留下来的危害,这又能说明什么呢?)”

凯丽停了停,接着又说:“Of course, I'm a westerner, and America will always be my country, but I love China, too.China and the United States are the two most influential powers in the world. The best way is to work together to make efforts for the survival of mankind.(当然了,我是西方人,美国也永远是我的祖国,但我,同样也爱中国;中国和美国是世界上最有影响力的两个大国,最好的办法就是携手合作,才能够更好地为了人类的生存事业而努力。)”

布莱特默默地点了点头,感叹道:“What you said is right and reasonable, but in the western nations, dogs are the most loyal friends of human beings and should not be treated as food animals.(你说的都对,也很有道理,但在西方民族之中,狗是人类最忠诚的朋友,不应该把狗当成食用动物。)”

凯丽笑道:“As a matter of fact, it is just a kind of eating habit among various nationalities, as long as it is not wild animals, as long as it is not stolen from the horse, cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs, chickens, what is the difference in essence?Of course, for those pet dogs, and can make a real contribution to human society livestock animals, people will not eat.(其实,这只是各民族之间的一种饮食习惯,只要不是野生动物,只要不是偷盗而来的,马、牛、羊、猪、狗、鸡,在本质上有什么区别吗?当然,对于那些宠物狗,和能够真正为人类社会做贡献的家畜动物,人家也不会去吃。)”


“Because of the different ways of domestication, it is not delicious.(因为驯养的方式不同,所以不好吃。)”凯丽笑了笑,又接着说,“欎 state, is the time for the so-called dog meat section, and fall into the Chinese city of the international public opinion, is dad and xiao-fei gao their hometown;In 欎 states, the summer solstice is a traditional Chinese solar terms, and dog 鬰 states litchi is not a holiday, just a traditional eating habits;The day at the summer solstice, 鬰 state transfer of the people is the emotion, friendship, express the true feelings, family reunion, miles of friends from afar, the likeable, no, more is not what the outside world, even in the western media hype the brutality.(欎州,就是这段时间为了所谓的狗肉节而陷入国际舆论的中国城市,就是老爸和高晓飞他们的家乡;在欎州,夏至是一个中国传统节气,而鬰州的狗肉荔枝也并不是什么节日,只是一个传统的饮食习惯罢了;夏至这一天,鬰州人民传递的是情感、友谊,抒发的是真情,家人相聚,不远千里的朋友远道而来,一团和气的好日子,根本就没有,更不是外界,甚至于西方媒体所炒作的那些野蛮行为。)”

凯丽舒了一口气,又接着说道:“There is an old saying in China, the chicken is the morning, the dog is barking the thief, the ox is bearing the burden, the horse is far away;We all eat the same chicken, cow and horse, and the same as the dog in the six animals, and what is the essential difference?(中国有一句古话,鸡司晨,犬吠盗,牛负重,马致远;鸡牛马我们都一样吃,而同为六畜中的狗,又有什么本质上的区别?)”


“East and west countries have different cultures, but in terms of the survival of human beings, we should not blame each other;And the most important thing is to work together to protect the existing wildlife, to maintain the peace between animals and human beings, to protect the environment, to protect the whole nature, this is the future of all life on earth. And the way of hope.(东、西方各国的文化都不尽相同,但在关于人类生存大计方面,更不应该互相指责;而最重要的,是要携手合作,保护好现有的野生物种,共同维护动物与人类之间的和平相处,爱护环境,保护好整个大自然,这才是地球所有生灵的未来之路和希望之路。)”

布莱特整个人都呆住了,怔怔地看了凯丽好一会,这才开口感叹着说:“Kelly!You really grow up, is not the past that don't know how to be unruly little girl!(凯丽!你真的长大了,已经不是以前那个不明事理的刁蛮小女孩了!)”

凯丽微微一笑,心中释然,轻轻地说道:“I can grow up, I can mature, because of them.(我之所以能够长大,之所以能够成熟,完全是因为有了他们。)”她侧头看了看在后面忙碌着的问天和高晓飞笑了笑。她知道,自己并不止是单纯地长大了,而是成熟了,懂得了分辨事理,更懂得了如何去看待这个世界上的方方面面,而让她拥有这一切的,都是来自于一个人,一个以前和她毫无瓜葛的中国人:萧问天。





“好香!”高晓飞使劲吸了吸鼻子,用刺刀割了一小片烤好的狗肉尝了尝,又把手指放进嘴里吸了吸,看着布莱特问道,“Dare you try it?(敢不敢尝一尝?)”

“Of course.(那是当然。)”布莱特笑着耸了耸肩膀,两眼紧紧地盯着烤好的狗肉。



高晓飞一把抢过刺刀:“B: well, just taste it. You'll have to save it for this packet. That's the real treat.(嗯,品尝一下就可以了,你得留着肚子吃下面这一包,那才是真正的珍品美味。)”笑着指了指篝火之下。




高晓飞看得目瞪口呆:“Well, I thought you said you couldn't eat dog meat. But you can eat too much!(嗯,你不是说狗肉不能吃吗?可你也太能吃了吧!)”





“There's **oke ahead, and fire, and it's so high!(前面有浓烟,还有火光,好高好大!)”竹筏刚转过一处湾道,站在竹筏前面的布莱特就喊了起来。

“It's supposed to be a volcano, and it's an erupting volcano.(应该是火山,而且是正在喷发中的火山。)”大家一齐抬头看了过去,只见远处泛着红光与烟雾,升腾到空中,萦绕在山顶。

“There's still a long way to go.(应该还有很远的一段距离。)”

“Hey, Brett!You've taken the wrong turn. We've veered south.(喂,布莱特!你拐错航道了,我们已经偏离了南面的方向。)”高晓飞连忙喊了起来。

布莱特说道:“I didn't take a wrong turn, but there was no river to the south.(不是我拐错了航道,而是南面根本就没有河道了。)”

凯丽道:“Can not deviate from the direction, otherwise we will only transit in the rainforest circle, never break out!(不能够偏离了方向,不然的话我们就只会在雨林中转圈子,永远也闯不出去!)”



“Over there, take a break.(那边,休息一下。)”众人气喘吁吁地穿行在山高林密的雨林中,只见前面的一座山前出现了一处开阔地带,周围绿草如茵,岩石遍布,阳光明媚,环境相当优美。








“Oh god! What the hell is this?(噢上帝!这到底是什么恶鬼?)”布莱特惊呼一声,他虽然是动保人士,可也不认识这个鬼魅一样的怪物到底是什么物种。

问天思索了一会,松了一口气,把枪放下,看着那只怪物说道:“It's called the mandrill, and in biological classification, it's a member of the macaque subfamily, and in ancient China, it was also called the mandrill.(它叫鬼脸猴,在生物分类上,属于猕猴亚科。在中国古代,它们还有另外一个名字,叫做山魈。)”

“Drills?Is it a description of the monster, the mandrill of the mandrill?(山魈?是不是专门描述妖魔鬼怪,魑魅山魈中的山魈?)”高晓飞拍着心口问道。

“Is it.(就是它。)”问天说道,“The mandrill, named after an earlier Chinese book called the book of mountains and seas, describes a monster with a colorful face, all black hair, that laughs when people laugh.(山魈这个名字,正是出自中国较早期的志怪古籍《山海经》,其中就描述了一种长着一副七彩人脸的怪物。它们全身都是黑毛,看到人笑它们也笑。描述与现实中的鬼脸猴颇为相似,所以,山魈的原形就是鬼脸猴。)”

“Well, it almost scared the hell out of me!(嗯,差点就把我给吓死了!)”高晓飞喘息着叹了一声。

“It's so scary!At night, I'm sure it would scare me to death!(它长得也太恐怖了!要是在晚上,肯定会被它活活吓死!)”凯丽也是惊恐连声。

问天笑道:“When we were children, some children are not obedient, some old people will tell the mandrill story to frighten the children: or not obedient, you sent to the mandrill grandmother to eat;The mandrill refers to the goblin living in the mountains.(我们小时候,有些小朋友不听话,一些老人家就讲山魈故事来吓唬小孩:再不听话,就把你送去给山魈外婆吃了;山魈外婆,所指的就是住在深山里的山精鬼怪。)”

布莱特看着那只鬼脸猴,疑惑地说道:“Isn't he too much like a demon?There are such species in the world!(它也长得太像一只恶鬼了吧?这世界上居然有如此的物种!)”

问天解释道:“In this ancient Chinese book, the book of mountains and seas, there are some records about mandrills. In some places, they are called monseiguan, shandu, mountain ghost, mountain spirit, etc., which are regarded as monsters.Open the book of mountains and seas, you can see a very fantastic continent, records of different countries and tribes, and hundreds of species, but these species described more special, most of them are some unheard of, seen never seen, the form of strange creatures;But the book of mountains and seas, like its legend, provides some guidance for modern people to understand the mysterious world and adds a strong mysterious color to the exploration of the unknown.(在中国的《山海经》这本古籍中,流传着一些关于山魈的记载,有些地方叫它山大人、山都、山鬼、山精等,被视作妖怪。翻开《山海经》这本书,就能够见到一个十分奇幻的大陆,记载了不同的国家和部落,还有上百种物种。只不过这些描述的物种更加特殊,大都是一些闻所未闻、见所未见,形态千奇百怪的生物。但《山海经》正和它的传说一样,为现代人了解那个神秘的世界提供了一些指引,也给人类的探索未知增添了浓厚的神秘色彩。)”(未完待续)