

作者:巧姐儿张 | 分类:游戏 | 字数:31.9万

第二十四章 乔伊·德林克(中)

书名:双语生命隧道 作者:巧姐儿张 字数:11127 更新时间:2024-10-11 09:45:58


Chapter 24 Joy Drinker (B)

Sealy Detective said: ‘The company seemingly manages import and export business of oil, building materials and daily provisions, on the surface during the past, secretly sometimes it involves some criminal activities. A recent period, they carried out a business The Tunnel of Life, maybe it can make the person rejuvenation. However, generally speaking, the rational people won't believe that the boring trick. From its history, the company's background is complex, in the past few years, always it has some cases seems to have relations with them, but often to look up to a half then clues broke. Just now the jump case, the dead of named Dominique Pigeon, the suspect was missing from the company three years ago. To see from the scene, there is a woman with him together, but she was missing.’




‘She must be a very beautiful woman, and maybe is similar with of which movie stars.’ Clark said.

‘How do you know?’ Sealy Detective from his pocket took out the picture and said, ‘Yes, she is very beautiful.’

After Clark glanced and he said: ‘I see, the Dominique Pigeon is a defector, he wanted to run away with the women who as beautiful as flowers and as jade, but he did not go far enough, or it was sniffed out by them. Also, what is the situation in the scene? ‘



‘I also found an injection of a **all bottle that stamped with the words “HP”.’

‘Well,’ Clark said with raising his eyebrows, ‘is not the first time I heard of this thing.’ He explained: ‘This HP is a kind of hibernation drugs on people, in the United States their victims were taking away with to use this kind of thing, now, if you can go to the Bethe Douglas Company of the freezer to check, could certain find the missing woman.’



‘It seems that this is a major case of across national boundaries.’ Sealy Detective said and scratched at his head.

‘Yes, the development has proven this point. The head of Bethe Douglas Company called Sherman, scholar, 45 years old, read books at Harvard University. He is a Danish American. We don't know much about him. It's an important figure, to track of his need for 24 hours each day.’



‘I know this man,’ Sealy Detective said, ‘do you wish us operation?’

‘Yes,’ Clark nodded and said. ‘Can you try to let my people into The Tunnel of Life ?’


‘Let your people into their inside?’ Sealy Detective in his memory to quickly search after a while he said, ‘Joy, Joy Drinker, she might be a chance. Joy.Drinker is the sister of Marcus the drug trafficker which has been dead. Two years ago, Marcus was the pilot of drug trafficking group, responsible for driving a **all plane to Florida to **uggle heroin, in an operation his plane crashed on rock, the oneself also died. As his sister friendless and helpless, drug trafficking organization made Joy to enter the France international Amusement Company, and then moved into the Bethe Douglas Company. Joy unlike her brother, she is not in favor of the drug, also opposed her brother engaged on this kind of crime. I had contact with her, gave me the impression that she is not lost a conscience. I install the agent in Douglas, who told me that Joy travels a lot recently, only on Saturday and Sunday to see her in Nassau. Is she likely to Nicholas island? By the way, today is Sunday, she may be in Nassau.’




‘How do find her?’ Clark asked.

‘I have been to her home , coming with me.’

They said good-bye to the Director of Augustine, in the car of Sealy Detective came to Monterrey Street.



Sealy Detective said, pointing to a Chinese restaurant: ‘Joy's home is not far from here, and she was a frequent visitor to the restaurant.’

This is only a Chinese restaurant across the street of Monterrey, named "Fairy Meets Restaurant" the exterior decoration has the Chinese characteristic extremely. The top of the door, a cornice builds by laying bricks overhang out of the wall for one arm, on both sides of the hall are a glass window with some words that in both English and Chinese for drum up business:

正宗川菜 名师掌勺 一日得尝 终身难忘

京式面点 宫廷御膳 色香味形 香松酥软


Authentic Sichuan food The famous chefs operating

One day have to taste lifetime unforgettable

Beijing’s type pastry palace imperial cuisine

Aroma form fragrant crispy tender

Sealy Detective to Clark said: ‘I go in and have a look.’


He opened the door into, and the goal was found on the second floor of the compartment. Joy and a man together to enjoy the Chinese meal at that time. Sealy Detective pretended to be looking for others, and keeps out of her eyes subtly. A waiter anxiously was watching the stranger who glanced left and right, for fear that he interfered of the business, hurriedly chasing behind with a **ile to ask: ‘Sir, what would you like some?’ The inspector gave just to walk, and motioning with his hand didn't reply him.




Sealy Detective went out of the restaurant back in the car to Clark said: ‘She and a man in it.’

‘Do you know that man?’

‘I don't know his name, as is an employee of the Bethe Douglas Company.’




‘Do not disturb the man.’

‘Okay, we parked the car on the other side, waiting for her out.’ Sealy Detective said to start the engine. The car drew a circle on the road, almost diagonally opposite the door firmly stopped outside the restaurant.

Time passed slowly, and Emily said: ‘My stomach is a little sick.’




Clark from his pocket took out piece of chocolate to her and said: ‘To endure for a while, dear, after drama at the end, I shall certainly invite you to eat Chinese food here.’

Sealy Detective bought some ham sandwich to be on the day of the dinner.

Forty minutes later, Joy and that man finally appeared in the doorway of the restaurant.




Sealy Detective said: ‘They came out.’

They looked at the two guys all stare big eyes, and saw they walked slowly along the street, Sealy Detective driving the car behind them with a distance. The couple came to an apartment building, and went in.

Sealy Detective told to Clark that Joy lives right here.




Clark and others waited in the car, when until it is dark, the man who on Joy’s side also did not leave.

Sealy Detective said: ‘Maybe the man will not go today.’

Clark at this point was very agitated, and he said to gnash: ‘Damn, if by ten o'clock the man also doesn't go, we will go up.’



‘I worry that things will mess up.’ Sealy Detective said.

‘Not care so much, can only go one step at a time, continue to drag down will lose all opportunities, we have to give it a try.’


An hour passed, Emily on Clark's shoulder felt of his warm that from broad body to send out. She remembered the scenery of Luxury Villa Autumn estate where it is a large open green grass, lush. She used to ride the horse in the meadow. She thought of her jujube red of studhorse that it is a birthday present which her grandfather gave her a year ago. She loves her grandpa, she was to find the answer at the moment for him. She glanced at Joy's window, or a dead silence. At this time, she felt there is a surge of emotions in her body, she looked at the Clark who he is still a cold face, and she relied on more tightly.




‘What's the matter with you?’ Clark asked.

‘I feel a little cold.’

Clark took off a coat to give Emily for cover.




‘Are you married?’

‘No.’ Clark said shook his head.

‘I think that someone must have loved you.’





‘Maybe.’ Clark turned to gaze Emily, he seems to have something to say.

At this moment, standing on the side of the road of Sealy Detective, suddenly brisked to walk towards the car. He leaned toward the people in the car said: ‘The man came out.’ Sure enough, the man who had eaten together with Joy walked out of the apartment door, on the side of the road stopped a taxi and left.

The bell was rung with ding, and Joy thought Gove is back. ‘Not to say that, mother was ill, and has to see her tonight?’ She felt a little strange.

Gove Barker is a senior employee of Bethe Douglas Company, Sherman's important disciple, and the director of the first The Tunnel of Life. At recent period, his relationship unusual with Joy.



Joy pulled slippers opened the door. However, who appeared at the door is not Gove but nasty Sealy Detective and the other two strangers. She immediately understood, before of the afternoon in the restaurant Sealy Detective had looked just to her. She held the door closed just leaving only a little gap, before the Sealy Detective to speak, but shouted: ‘Please don't bother me, my brother’s matter already had ended.’

‘I'm sorry Miss Drinker, I'm not for things of your brother, let us go in to talk about?’ Sealy said.

注释:[1]三明治 —— 夹心面包的英文音译。