

作者:小肥滚来了 | 分类: | 字数:164万

第29章 决战29

书名:离开悟空后,悟饭无敌 作者:小肥滚来了 字数:31987 更新时间:2024-10-26 02:34:09

\"Who are you?\" Lazuli asked.

\"Name\u0027s Arepa. And can I just say you got really pretty eyes?\"

\"我也可以这么说你,\" Lazuli带着受宠若惊的微笑回答。

On the other hand, Gohan\u0027s eyes rolled around while he set his focus on where all of the most powerful Ki signatures remaining had been gathered. \"You guys feel Frieza and Vegeta fighting, right? Let\u0027s see how it goes.\"


The two arctic-eyed girls nodded and followed his flight. Frieza\u0027s Ki felt a good deal stronger than what Gohan had bee accustomed to. Though he always felt Frieza had been suppressing his power to some extent during his tenure in his army, this Ki carried a more disturbing presence; no doubt, this was his transformed state.


However, from what he could sense, Vegeta was handling himself quite well. Perhaps he was overly paranoid to worry so much about whether they were all ready for the threat; even if Vegeta eventually tired himself out, Gohan would easily be able to step in and handle Frieza himself.


And then, he felt it. It was like lightning beyond the current thunderstorm had struck his mind. He froze in mid-air, startling Lazuli and Arepa.


\"Oh no…\"


Lazuli and Arepa expressed confusion, until they felt it a few moments later, too. Frieza\u0027s Ki had spiked to an unfathomable threshold.


\"V-Vegeta\u0027s done for…!\" Gohan murmured, his face pale. \"That power\u0027s way too much for him…\"

\"贝吉塔完蛋了…!\" 戈汉低声说道,脸色苍白。\"那股力量对他来说太强大了…\"

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\"It\u0027s damn near me givin\u0027 me a stomachache,\" Arepa groaned. \"I\u0027ve never felt nothin\u0027 like this.\"

\"简直让我感觉肚子疼,\" Arepa抱怨道。\"我从来没有感受过这样的东西。\"

Aura burst around Gohan. \"We have to hurry!\"


He flew away as fast as he could, even leaving Arepa and Lazuli behind. Though the fight was happening on a whole other side of the planet, Gohan had to make sure he got there before it was too late.


Though Vegeta certainly sensed the stark jump in Frieza\u0027s power, his brain refused to acknowledge it.


The only time he had ever felt Ki in that neighborhood was when Gohan used his transformation, and that wasn\u0027t very sustainable, anyway.


Frieza, on the other hand, looked no less fortable than he was in his hovering chair. The longer the Vegeta stared at him, the more reality sapped away the strength in his legs.


Frieza wasn\u0027t bluffing.


Feeling the tides shift, Frieza chuckled. \"Why the long face, Vegeta? You had a nigh-bottomless reservoir of confidence just a minute ago...\"


Vegeta shut his eyes, trying to get Frieza out of his physical vision but unable to plunge him from his mental.


In one instant, Vegeta was right back to his days in dank training chambers, cowering before a man he couldn\u0027t have hoped to topple in his lifetime. But that couldn\u0027t have been; he had landed a hit on Frieza, dodged all of his beams, and had him flustered. And he had undergone effectively two years of the most grueling training in his life for this. Everything was on the line.

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Clenching his fists so tightly, his fingers ripped through their gloves, Vegeta opened his eyes back up to defiantly look Frieza in his face. \"This changes nothing! You\u0027re still dying by my hand!\"


\"Still the same delusional child…\" Frieza sighed and drifted forward...

“还是那个幻想的孩子…” 弗里萨叹了口气,向前漂浮着…

It happened faster than Vegeta could see.


He was punched so hard he flew into a skyscraper a half-mile away, crashing through window and smacking into a layer of blue tiles.


Glass shards cascaded onto his skin like the raindrops, and he was too distraught to even notice.


He might as well have been hit by a shockwave – that would\u0027ve made more sense, at least.


One moment, Frieza was in front of him, and in the next millisecond the lizard had vanished and Vegeta was on the floor of a building thousands of feet away.


After a dull sigh, Frieza looked up at the other collection of fighters with folded arms.


Goku swallowed heavily in his throat, expecting his number to be called.


As Frieza had just made perfectly clear, Goku couldn\u0027t fight him straight up.


He\u0027d need to use the 10x Kaio-Ken at minimum.


What the hell even was this guy?


However, before Goku could join the fray, that building from the distance exploded, and a petulant rocket of Saiyan power touched back down and made the earth shake with its landing.

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Vegeta fumed with fury, chips of glass falling from his clothes as he heaved like a feral chimp.


\"Vegeta might be pissed,\" Krillin said, \"But I think he\u0027s done. You oughta step in before it gets worse, Goku.\"


\"No, not yet…\" Goku replied, raindrops and sweat dribbling down his face.


\"Why not?! He\u0027s gonna die at this rate.\"


Goku shook his head.


\"I know, I know…but it ain\u0027t my fight. Vegeta\u0027s been dealin\u0027 with this guy his whole life…I can\u0027t just treat him like a charity case and tag in before he\u0027s emptied the whole clip.\"


\"But Goku-!\"


\"I\u0027ll wait \u0027til it gets out of hand,\" Goku resolved.


Goku squeezed his fist tightly at his sides. Though their year in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber had been largely spent fighting, eating, and bickering, Goku had e to understand Vegeta. Pride meant more to him than anything; even if he knew it could kill him, he would see every fight to the end. And maybe it was his own obsession as a warrior, or maybe it was the Saiyan blood that flowed through his veins as well…but Goku got it. And as the only other full-blooded Saiyan left, he would respect Vegeta\u0027s resolve.


\"Back for more, are we?\" Frieza chuckled.


\"You…you…!\" Whether it was the after-effect of the hit, or his sheer anger, Vegeta struggled to even get words out. \"Repulsive…son of a bitch!\"

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With an obnoxious gasp, Frieza jerked back with bulbous eyes as if Vegeta\u0027s benign insult had affected him in any way.


\"How harsh, Vegeta! We were having such a friendly, sporting spar until now. I dare say I am devastated that you would sink things to such a personal level.\"


Goku found himself clenching his teeth. It had only taken a few minutes for him to understand not just why his son and Vegeta feared Frieza so much, but despised him. What a smug, insufferable asshole.


\"Shut the fuck up!\" Vegeta yelled, stomping his foot like a child in a temper tantrum.


\"I can\u0027t say I quite understand what\u0027s got you so mad, though,\" Frieza inquired with a sideways glance. \"If anything, you should feel nostalgic. I feel like I\u0027m right back in the training quarters!\"


\"Shut. Up!\"


\"What was that fable you and your simian pack waxed poetic about? The Super Saiyan? I assume it hasn\u0027t done much for you, no?\"


Lapis anxiously sucked his teeth. \"I hate to say it, Goku, but I think it\u0027s already out of hand.\"


\"I gotta give him the chance…\" Goku replied.


Fed up with the probes, Vegeta unleashed all of his Ki in one burst. Goku knew from all of his battles with the man in the time chamber that Vegeta could tap into deeper reserves power when he got angry enough, and it was happening again. Signs, cars, even whole buildings wobbled as Vegeta released a howl of rage, his power surging past the dams of its limitations.

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After soaring into the sky, Vegeta swung both of his arms out and cuffed his hands together. Bright energy sparked around his fingers while his bloodshot eyes locked in on the lizard standing idly in the West City streets. With the thunder and lighting raging around him, Vegeta resembled less a Saiyan and more a calamity sent to bring about Earth\u0027s destruction.


\"Is he trying to kill us all?!\" Yamcha yelled, he and the others trying to shield themselves against the powerful winds.


\"I don\u0027t think he cares!\" Goku replied.


\"One percent, ten percent, one hundred percent…I don\u0027t give a damn!\" Vegeta roared. \"Why don\u0027t you test your might against a true Saiyan\u0027s power?! Or are you just the same pussy little lizard you\u0027ve always been?!\"


Frieza simply craned his neck, stretched his interlocked hands, and kipped his legs up a few times.


Goku looked back and forth between the two warriors. Goku在两位战士之间来回看着。

Frieza didn\u0027t even seem to notice the orb of energy erratically pulsing around Vegeta\u0027s convulsing body. 弗里萨甚至似乎没有注意到围绕贝吉塔痉挛身体上不规律脉动的能量球。

Vegeta had every intention of blowing him, and maybe this planet, to kingdom e, and Frieza was waiting like the guy was about to throw him a kickball pitch. 贝吉塔有着让他和也许这个星球都彻底毁灭的意图,而弗里萨却像是等着贝吉塔将他撞向一个踢球投手一样等待着。

Confidence was one thing, but now Frieza looked like a plain fool. 自信是一回事,但现在弗里萨看起来就像个傻瓜。

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Vegeta finally settled his power down, ready to let it all out. 贝吉塔终于稳定了他的力量,准备释放一切。

\"FINAL FLASH!\" “最后一闪!”

A massive yellow wave capable of destroying the Earth a thousand times over made its descent from Vegeta\u0027s hands and to West City. 一道能够毁灭地球一千次的巨大黄色能量波从贝吉塔的手中降临到西都。

Its gravitational pull sucked in debris of varying shapes and sizes as it made its apocalyptic descent, the other fighters running to take cover even if they knew they weren\u0027t truly safe. 在它进行毁灭性降落时,其引力将各种形状和大小的碎片吸入其中,其他战士纷纷奔跑寻找掩护,即使他们知道并不真正安全。

Goku raised his arms above his head, flexing his power to hopefully withstand the impact. 悟空将双臂举过头顶,运用自己的力量希望能够抵挡住冲击。

And then Frieza kicked the blast into the sky. 然后弗里萨将能量波踢向天空。

Goku lowered his arms, robbed of intelligent thought. 悟空放下了双臂,失去了理智的思考。

\"Holy shit…\" “天哪……”

It really had been nothing but a kickball to Frieza. 对弗里萨来说,那真的只不过是一个踢球而已。

After the blast faded with the stars, the elegant monster scuffed the offending foot against the pavement and giggled. 当能量波随着星光的消散而消失时,优雅的怪物将那只惹人厌的脚蹭在人行道上,咯咯笑了起来。

Vegeta not only failed to prehend the sight below him, he couldn\u0027t even believe it to be reality. 贝吉塔不仅无法理解他眼前的景象,他甚至无法相信这是真实的。

Despite the ample precipitation, a drought had overtaken his throat. 尽管雨水充足,但他的喉咙却像被干旱侵袭了一样。

But to the aid of the precipitation, tears clouded his vision and spilled down his cheeks. 然而,伴随着雨水的帮助,眼泪模糊了他的视线,顺着脸颊流淌而下。

He thought his aimless, endless life under Frieza\u0027s thumb had already been the darkest depths in the pit of despair; he couldn\u0027t have been more wrong. 他曾认为在弗里萨的控制下,他的无目标、无尽的生活已经是最深沉的绝望之谷;但他错得不能再错了。

Because what he was seeing right now below him was the dictionary definition of hopelessness. 因为他现在在他脚下所看到的,就是绝望的字典定义。

Not in his most demeaning punishments, not even when the low-class Goku fractured his spine, not even when Gohan had punched a hole in his chest, had he ever felt so weak and impotent. 在他最严厉的惩罚中,甚至在低级战士悟空打断他的脊椎,甚至在悟空的儿子孙悟空打出他胸口的洞之时,他从未感到如此的软弱和无力。

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Often in his life, Vegeta wondered if the role of a cosmic whipping boy would be all he amounted to. 在他的生活中,贝吉塔经常想知道他是否只会成为一个宇宙的出气筒。

Following that kick, he had finally, definitively, received his answer. 在那一脚之后,他终于明确地得到了答案。

Hell, in his distress, he didn\u0027t even realize Frieza was right in front of him again until he was plunging to the ground with excruciating pain pulsing in his temple courtesy of that grey foot. 在他的痛苦中,他甚至没有意识到弗里萨就站在他面前,直到他因为那只灰色脚的撞击而痛苦地坠落到地面上,太阳穴的疼痛难以忍受。

When his body smacked the pavement, it wasn\u0027t too broken to get back up - but his spirit certainly was. 当他的身体砸在人行道上时,并没有受到太大的伤害,可以重新站起来,但他的精神确实已经崩溃。

As he lay on the ground, those white, three-toed feet joined him again. 当他躺在地上时,那些白色的三趾脚再次靠近他。

Frieza crouched down, grabbed a fistful of his spiky hair, and dragged him back up. 弗里萨蹲下身子,抓起一把他那扎手的发丝,将他拽了起来。

Though his smile indicated good nature, his eyes only indicated death. 虽然他的笑容显示出善意,但他的眼神只透露出死亡。

Vegeta didn\u0027t even want to look at him, but he couldn\u0027t close his eyes, either. 贝吉塔甚至不想看他,但他也无法闭上眼睛。

\"You understand now, don\u0027t you, Vegeta? After all of those years of slaving under me, all of the insubordination, all of the hell you went through to finally feel ready to defeat me…you were never even close. \" “你现在明白了,对吗,贝吉塔?在我统治下度过的那些年,所有的不服从,你所经历的所有的苦难,为了最终感到准备好击败我...你从未接近过。”

Frieza released Vegeta from his grip with a punch to his gut, and it was only through sheer gravity that the once proud Saiyan remained on his feet. 弗里萨用一拳击中贝吉塔的腹部,放开了他的控制,而曾经自豪的赛亚人只是靠着纯粹的重力才能站立。

He raised his index finger and rekindled it with that neon pink light. 他抬起食指,用那个霓虹粉光点燃了它。

\"Come now, Vegeta. Surely you\u0027re in for another round of our exercise again? Dodge it. \" “来吧,贝吉塔。你肯定想再来一轮我们的锻炼吧?躲开吧。”

Vegeta felt an entire foot shorter; if he didn\u0027t know better, he would\u0027ve thought he had black bangs waving in front of his face, too. 贝吉塔感觉自己矮了整整一英尺;如果他不知道更多的话,他会以为自己的脸前也有黑色的刘海在飘动。

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He had just as much of chance now as he had then anyway, so he might as well have been a child. 无论如何,他现在的机会和以前一样,所以他不妨还是个孩子。

When Frieza fired the beam, Vegeta\u0027s body moved on autopilot to evade it. 当弗里萨发射光束时,贝吉塔的身体自动地避开了。

He really was nothing more than Frieza\u0027s wind-up toy, wasn\u0027t he? The next beam came too quickly for his reflexes, however, and he earned himself a shot to his knee. 他真的只是弗里萨的发条玩具,不是吗?然而,下一束光来得太快,超过了他的反应能力,他的膝盖被击中了。

When he buckled, several more beams pierced all over his body in quick succession, carefully aimed to miss vital areas. 当他膝盖弯曲时,几束光束快速连续地穿透他全身,小心地避开重要部位。

As blood erupted from his wounds, Vegeta collapsed with a howl that sounded more like a crestfallen whimper. 当鲜血从他的伤口喷涌而出时,贝吉塔发出了一个更像是沮丧的呜咽声倒在地上。

Before he could collapse pletely, Frieza\u0027s tail coiled around his throat and held him up. 在他完全倒下之前,弗里萨的尾巴缠绕在他的喉咙上,扶持着他。

Just as Frieza licked his lips in anticipation of his ining torturous romp, a gust of wind brushed against his face. 正当弗里萨舔着嘴唇期待即将到来的折磨时,一阵微风拂过他的脸颊。

He turned his head to find a red flame fuming in the sky. 他转过头,发现天空中冒着红色的火焰。

Goku had seen enough. Goku已经看够了。

Vegeta had given Frieza his best shot, and failed miserably. 贝吉塔尽力攻击弗里萨,但却惨败。

Worst of all, he had no will to even fight anymore. 最糟糕的是,他甚至没有再战斗的意愿。

He was effectively done, and Goku wasn\u0027t going to stand idly and let him suffer. 他已经无力继续了,而Goku不会袖手旁观让他受苦。

He built up his Ki until he had a potent tenfold Kaio-Ken cooking. 他积蓄了自己的气息,直到他达到了强大的十倍界王拳。

He fastened himself to take flight and strike Frieza down, but never got the chance. 他准备起飞并击倒弗里萨,但从未有机会。

Another rush of power swooped in and did that for him, kicking Frieza away while Vegeta fell into a puddle of blood. 另一股力量突然来袭,帮他完成了这个任务,把弗里萨踢开,而贝吉塔则倒在了一滩血泊中。

When Goku got a closer look at the identity, he relinquished his power. 当Goku近距离看清身份时,他放弃了自己的力量。

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Gohan had arrived. 悟空的儿子悟饭已经到了。

And he wasn\u0027t alone. 而且他不是一个人。

Lazuli joined the crew of fighters, while another girl scooped Vegeta up and joined them. Lazuli加入了战斗团队,而另一个女孩抱起了贝吉塔,与他们一起加入了战斗。

Seeing her Frieza Force armor bined with her familiar face lined with pale, blue eyes and shrouded in black hair, Goku gawked in surprise. 看到她身穿弗里萨军装的样子,她那熟悉的脸上有着苍白的蓝眼睛,黑发遮住了脸,悟空惊讶地目瞪口呆。

\"Whoa, it\u0027s you! If you were pretty strong for a human and knew how to fly, why\u0027d you go to all the trouble of loadin\u0027 us on the nimbus?\" \"哇,是你!如果你是一个对于人类来说相当强大并且会飞行的人,为什么还要费事让我们乘坐筋斗云呢?\"

She gawked at him with a similarly baffled expression. 她带着同样困惑的表情盯着他。

\"I\u0027m confused by lit\u0027rally every single word you just said.\" \"你刚才说的每一个字我都糊涂了。\"

As Goku wondered if he was just mistaken – why did her accent change? - she squinted at him as if studying his appearance. 当悟空想知道自己是不是搞错了——为什么她的口音变了?她眯起眼睛看着他,仿佛在研究他的样子。

\"Hold on…your Ki kinda feels like Gohan\u0027s, so you must be his pops! But if you got hair like a palm tree, but no scar…that means it musta been your pops that was my pops\u0027 drinkin\u0027 buddy!\" \"等一下...你的气息有点像悟饭,所以你一定是他的老爸!但是如果你有像棕榈树一样的头发,却没有疤痕...那就意味着你的老爸一定是我老爸的喝酒伙伴!\"

\"Wha…?\" \"什么...?\"

She turned around and smiled admirably at the long-haired teenager in purple \u0026 gold. 她转过身来,对着那个穿着紫金长发的少年崇拜地微笑。

\"It\u0027s like me \u0027n him were meant to be.\" \"就像我和他注定要在一起一样。\"

\"Wait, how did Gohan recover?\" Goku asked. \"等等,悟饭是怎么康复的?\" 悟空问道。

\"I stuck him with a needle,\" Arepa replied, making Goku flinch. \"我给他扎了一针。\" 阿瑞帕回答道,让悟空畏缩了一下。谢天谢地他自己不需要那种治疗。

Gohan had trouble recognizing the more humanoid incarnation of Frieza before him, but it was just as much of an eyesore. Gohan很难认出眼前的弗利萨已经变成更加人形化,但他仍然是一样令人不悦。

He had gotten there just in time; if he knew anything about the man, it was how much he enjoyed prolonging someone\u0027s suffering. 他来得正是时候;如果他对这个人有所了解,那就是他非常享受延长别人的痛苦。

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Though he had blindslided him, he nonetheless enjoyed finally landing on a shot on the bastard. 尽管他没有预料到对方,但他依然喜欢终于抓住了这个混蛋的机会。

\"Ah, Son Gohan,\" Frieza said, dusting himself off. \"啊,孙悟饭,\"弗利萨说着,拍掉身上的灰尘。 \"It\u0027s a pleasure to see you\u0027ve reclaimed your body. A real pity you won\u0027t be living in it for much longer. \" 很高兴看到你夺回了你的身体。 真遗憾你将不会在其中生存更久了。

He may have looked different, but he sounded as revolting as ever. 他的外貌也许有所改变,但他的声音和以前一样令人厌恶。

\"It\u0027s been five seconds and I\u0027m already sick of your sissy little voice again. \"才过去五秒钟,我已经厌倦了你那娘娘腔的声音。

When Frieza\u0027s arrogantly content gaze twisted into a menacing glare, Gohan smirked with satisfaction. 当弗利萨自鸣得意的目光变成威胁的眼神时,悟饭满意地笑了。 Those three words – \"sissy little voice\" – had set Gohan\u0027s path in motion. 那三个字——“娘娘腔的声音”——让悟饭开始行动。

His back still bore scars from Frieza\u0027s reaction to them a decade prior. 他的背上仍然留有十年前弗利萨对此的反应的疤痕。

But now? He didn\u0027t feel his stomach drop. 但现在呢?他没有感到胃底下沉。

He didn\u0027t feel his knees buckle. 他没有感到双膝弯曲。

All he felt was a need to laugh at his insecure temper tantrum. 他只感到一股想要嘲笑他不安的暴躁情绪的冲动。

\"Mutinous chimp…\" Frieza snarled. \"叛逆的猩猩...\" 弗利萨咆哮道。

Gohan squared his shoulders and channeled his Ki from his lower back, focusing specifically on his tail. 悟饭挺直肩膀,将气从腰部汇聚,专注于他的尾巴。

\"Take a good look at the last face you\u0027ll ever see, Frieza.\"


Frieza restrained himself enough to watch as Gohan\u0027s power skyrocketed, a green aura overtaking his body. 弗利萨克制住自己,目睹着悟饭的力量急速飙升,一股绿色光环覆盖了他的身体。

Unlike the tremors that resulted from his and Vegeta\u0027s battle, Gohan\u0027s energy triggered a full-on earthquake that forced Frieza to fly into the clouds. 与他和贝吉塔战斗引起的颤动不同,悟饭的能量引发了一场全面的地震,迫使弗利萨飞入云端。

What was left of the West City block they lied within toppled over underneath the rigors of raw Saiyan power. 位于他们所在的西都街区的残骸在原始赛亚人力量的洗礼下倒塌了。

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The spikes at the top of his black hair rose on their ends. 他黑色头发顶端的刺状物竖了起来。

His veins swelled at the edges of his skin. 他的静脉在皮肤边缘肿胀。

And his pupils shifted from pitch black to radiant gold. 他的瞳孔由纯黑色变成了明亮的金色。

Frieza descended to the pavement with an elongated gasp of awe. 弗利萨以敬畏的长长一口气降落到人行道上。

\"I see now…so this must be the Super Saiyan, then…\" \"我现在明白了...所以这一定是超级赛亚人吧...\"

Gohan looked out of the corner of his eye at Arepa. 悟饭斜眼看着阿瑞帕。

Her expression lied somewhere between terrified and mesmerized. 她的表情在害怕和着迷之间。

In her arms, hung Vegeta\u0027s battered body. 她的手臂中,悬着贝吉塔被打得遍体鳞伤的身体。

The first time Gohan used this power, it had nearly been his end, but now it would fulfill his purpose. 悟饭第一次使用这种力量时,几乎将他置于死地,但现在它将实现他的目标。

\"Whatever you want to call it, you better get ready!\" \"不管你想怎么称呼,你最好准备好了!\"

Gohan and Frieza met in mid-air, but Frieza was slow to the draw and took a brutal kick to his jaw. 悟饭和弗利萨在半空中相遇,但弗利萨的反应很慢,被一脚狠狠地踢在下巴上。

The impact was far from a retreat, too, because Gohan speedily chased after him and nailed about ten punches to his face in only a second. 冲击力绝不是退缩,因为悟饭迅速追击,仅用一秒钟就给了他大约十拳。

For good measure, plunged his other fist into Frieza\u0027s stomach, only regretting that he didn\u0027t hit him even harder as he watched him cough up purple blood. 为了确保,他的另一只拳头猛击弗利萨的肚子,只是遗憾没有更狠地打他,看着他咳出紫色的血液。

Frieza peevishly growled and tried to get him back with a kick, but Gohan leaped up and kicked him in the other side of his jaw. 弗利萨生气地咆哮着,试图用踢来反击,但悟饭跳起来,踢中他的另一边下巴。

As Frieza flew away, a foray of blasts followed and robbed him of a breather. 当弗利萨飞离时,一连串的能量弹追了上来,使他无法喘息。

Despite how much Gohan had tempered his mind, that transformation that may have been Super Saiyan still amplified his ferocity. 尽管悟饭已经调整了他的心态,那种可能是超级赛亚人的转变仍然加剧了他的凶猛。

With no target, he was perfectly fine, but with a guy like Frieza, he was more hellbent on brutality than normal. 没有目标,他完全没问题,但对于像弗利萨这样的家伙,他比平常更加痴迷于残忍。

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Even when Frieza finally plowed through the blast and hit Gohan back, the half-Saiyan just slammed him down with both forearms. 即使弗利萨最终冲破了能量弹,打击了悟饭,这个半赛亚人只是用双前臂猛击他。

When he followed up, a whip from Frieza\u0027s tail finally finished his assault and forced him on the defensive. 接下来,弗利萨的尾巴抽击终于结束了他的进攻,并迫使他处于防御状态。

A quickfire exchange of strikes later, and Gohan found himself retreating on the ground. 一番快速的交锋之后,悟饭发现自己在地面上后退。

But it only took a blast straight in the air for Gohan to regain the upper hand. 但是,只需要一次直冲天空的爆炸,悟饭就重新获得了上风。

However, he could already feel his muscles stinging, driving the urgency of his attacks. 然而,他已经感到他的肌肉刺痛,催促他的攻击更加迫切。

Every time Frieza hit him, Gohan struck him twice as hard, enough to crack his bones. 每次弗利萨打他,悟饭的攻击都比他更猛烈,足以击碎他的骨头。

He couldn\u0027t even appreciate the rush of finally overwhelming Frieza, bloodshed at the top of his mind. 他甚至无法欣赏到最终击败弗利萨的快感,血腥之景在他脑海中燃烧。

After repelling Gohan with a shockwave, Frieza gathered up a ball of energy the size of Capsule Corp. within the span of a lightning bolt. 在击退悟饭的冲击波后,弗利萨在一道闪电的时间里聚集起了一个和胶囊公司一样大的能量球。

\"Try this on for size, brat!\" \"小子,尝尝这个!\"

Frieza launched the enormous blast, but Gohan showed no fear, instead cupping his hands together and firing up his energy. 弗利萨发射了这个巨大的能量弹,但悟饭毫不畏惧,反而将双手合拢,激发起自己的能量。

Gohan fired a blue monsoon of Ki that plowed through Frieza\u0027s attack and slammed his body in a brilliant explosion. 悟饭发射出一股蓝色的气功旋风,冲破弗利萨的攻击,使他的身体猛然爆炸。

As the others shielded themselves, Gohan relaxed his power without altogether relinquishing the form to give his body a brief break. 其他人护住自己,悟饭放松了他的力量,没有完全放弃这种状态,给自己的身体一个短暂的休息。

He already knew the attack wouldn\u0027t be enough to defeat Frieza, but would still be a critical blow. 他已经知道这次攻击不足以击败弗利萨,但仍然是一个关键的打击。

Now he just needed to keep his foot on the gas pedal. 现在他只需要保持势头。

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After coughing smoke out of her lungs, Arepa\u0027s jaw dropped in awe upon finding Frieza laying among a pile of rubble. 在咳出烟雾后,阿瑞帕惊讶地看到弗利萨躺在一堆瓦砾中,她的下巴都掉了下来。

\"Holy shit! I dunno if he killed him, but he\u0027s kickin\u0027 Frieza\u0027s ass!\" \"天哪!我不知道他是否杀了他,但他在踢弗利萨的屁股!\"

\"Yeah, he\u0027s doin\u0027 awesome!\" Goku added. \"是的,他表现得很棒!\"孙悟空补充道。

\"We might just have a chance.\" \"我们可能有机会了。\"

\"Fool\u0027s gold,\" Vegeta grumbled through a cough, still hanging from Arepa\u0027s shoulder. \"假象罢了。\"贝吉塔咕哝着说,还倚靠在阿瑞帕的肩膀上。

Everyone anxiously gave him their attention. 每个人都焦急地关注着他。

\"It\u0027s all a…charade…\" \"这都是……一场骗局……\"

\"Whaddaya mean?\" Arepa asked. \"你是什么意思?\"阿瑞帕问道。

\"None of you have actually felt his power like I have,\" Vegeta snarled, coughing up blood. \"你们没有像我一样真正感受过他的力量,\"贝吉塔咆哮着,咳出血来。

\"H-He did this to me without even trying. 我甚至没有尽力,他就这样对我造成了这种伤害。

I could tell just from his movements…he might as well have been taking a light stroll.\" 从他的动作中我就能感觉到……他仿佛在散步一样。

\"Yeah, but…you gotta think he was trying more after Gohan took it to him, right?\" Krillin argued. \"是的,但是……你得认为在悟饭打击他之后,他更加努力了,对吧?\"克林辩解道。

\"Have you felt his Ki increase since then?\" Vegeta asked rhetorically, not expecting anybody to answer. They didn\u0027t. \"你们感觉到他的气功增加了吗?\"贝吉塔修辞地问道,他并不指望有人回答。没有人回答。

Gohan landed a few feet from Frieza\u0027s bruised up body, expecting him to gingerly stand back up at any second. 当悟饭降落在离弗利萨瘀伤的身体几英尺远的地方时,他期待他随时会小心翼翼地站起来。

When he finally did, Gohan shivered, because did it with nary a significant sign of pain despite the burns and cuts painting his skin. 当他最终站起来时,悟饭打了个冷颤,因为他没有流露出明显的疼痛迹象,尽管他的皮肤上布满了灼伤和划痕。

\"How…?\" Gohan asked. \"怎么……\"悟饭问道。

\"I knew that wouldn\u0027t finish you, but-\" \"我知道那不会击败你,但是……\"

\"It looked like it didn\u0027t do anything, right?\" Frieza cordially pleted. \"Well, I can\u0027t say that it didn\u0027t hurt; in fact, had I not been more vigilant in defending, I may have suffered the indignity of a regretful defeat before I could even go all-out. \" \"看起来好像什么都没发生,对吧?\"弗利萨友好地补充道。\"嗯,我不能说它没有造成伤害;事实上,如果我没有更加警惕地进行防御,我可能在我能够全力以赴之前就遭受了一次令人遗憾的失败的屈辱。

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With a flash of lightning, his charming smirk became sinister. 电闪过后,他迷人的微笑变得邪恶起来。

\"But as you can see, it wasn\u0027t quite as effective as you may have been hoping. \"但正如你所看到的,它并没有像你希望的那样有效。

Gohan shook off the slight chill that crept up his skin; it was just a setback. 悟饭摆脱了悄悄爬上他皮肤的微微寒意;这只是个挫折。

He had clearly gotten further than Vegeta had. All he had to do was keep up his assault and get him isolated, with no chance to brace himself for a hit. There was no reason to lose his posure. 他显然比贝吉塔进展得更远。 他所要做的就是继续攻击他并使他孤立无援,没有机会准备迎接一击。 没有理由失去镇定。

\"Now, you weren\u0027t here when Vegeta and I were going toe-to-toe, so I don\u0027t expect you were aware that I had only been using one percent of my full power then, no?\" “你当时不在贝吉塔和我正面对抗的时候,所以我不指望你意识到那时我只使用了我的全部力量的百分之一,对吗?”

\"One percent?\" Gohan quickly laughed it off. \"Bullshit. You may have been holding back, but definitely nowhere close to that much. You can\u0027t scare me like you did when I was a kid. \" “百分之一?”悟饭迅速笑了起来。 “胡说八道。 你可能一直在克制自己,但绝对不可能接近那么多。 你不能吓唬我,就像你在我还是个孩子的时候一样。”

\"Are you not still a kid now?\" “你现在不还是个孩子吗?”

\"Shut up!\" “闭嘴!”

Gohan thrust his fist at Frieza, but it only landed on the lizard\u0027s palm. While his face wrenched as he tried pushing his fist forward, Frieza\u0027s remained as relaxed as ever. 悟饭猛地向弗利萨挥出一拳,但只是落在蜥蜴的手掌上。 当他试图向前推拳时,他的脸扭曲,而弗利萨的表情一如既往地轻松。

\"This supposed Super Saiyan power is certainly impressive, easily the best I\u0027ve seen from a mortal outside of my clan,\" Frieza praised, though his belittling smirk widened. \"However, if this is as far as it can go, then the Saiyan race was never a threat to me. \" “这个所谓的超级赛亚人力量确实令人印象深刻,很容易是我在我族外见过的凡人中最强的,”弗利萨赞扬道,尽管他嘲笑的笑容变得更加嘲弄。 “然而,如果这就是它的极限,那么赛亚人永远不会对我构成威胁。”

\"No…!\" Gohan yelled, withdrawing one fist and swinging the other. \"You lie!\" “不……!”悟饭大声喊道,一只拳头收回,另一只拳头挥出。 “你在说谎!”

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Different hand, same result. Frieza tightened his grip and flung him into a street light. Gohan stopped just short of crashing into it, but was hardly posed. Frieza raised his hand with all five fingers spread wide. 不同的手,相同的结果。 弗利萨紧紧地抓住他,将他扔向一盏路灯。 悟饭几乎撞上了路灯,但并不平静。 弗利萨举起手,五指张开。

\"How does fifty percent sound, young lad? If I used fifty percent of my maximum power, I can wipe the floor with you. \"

\"Just keep the bluff going,\" Gohan said, though his voice cracked. “百分之五十听起来怎么样,年轻人?如果我使用了我最大能力的百分之五十,我可以轻易击败你。”

\"Just keep the bluff going,\" Gohan said, though his voice cracked. “继续虚张声势吧,”悟饭说道,声音中透露出裂音。

\"Know this, Gohan – in my vast army of soldiers, you were the most prodigious I\u0027ve ever seen,\" Frieza said as a gust of wind kicked up around his feet. \"Which is why it hurts with every fiber of my being to do this. \"

\"Stop talking and-\"

Wham. “悟饭,知道这一点——在我的庞大军队中,你是我见过的最卓越的人,”弗利萨说道,他的脚周围的一阵风起了。 “这就是为什么我每一丝本能都感到痛苦的原因。”

\"Stop talking and-\"

Wham. “闭嘴然后……” 砰! 弗利萨用肘部猛击悟饭的脸,使他短暂昏迷。

Miraculously, he stayed on his feet, clumsily wobbling about, but by the time he regained his balance and faced forward, he was seeing not one, but four Friezas. 令人惊讶的是,他竟然还能站稳,摇摇晃晃地站着,但当他重新恢复平衡并面向前方时,他看到的不止一个弗利萨,而是四个。

Unable to make out the Lizard in the middle, Gohan swung wildly and received the whip of his tail to his back. 由于无法分辨中间的蜥蜴,悟饭疯狂地挥动拳头,结果被弗利萨的尾巴抽到背上。

After stumbling to the ground, Gohan shook his way out of his daze and lifted one leg up to kick Frieza\u0027s jaw, only to end up with his foot in a vice grip. 在跌倒在地之后,悟饭摆脱了晕眩状态,抬起一条腿踢向弗利萨的下巴,结果脚被弗利萨紧紧控制。

With his free hand, Frieza fired a beam at Gohan\u0027s face that was only evaded by a mere inch, but then tossed him up in the air like a baton, letting his body flip around until he smashed his knee into his gut on his way down. 弗利萨用另一只手发射出一道光束,只差一英寸就击中了悟饭的脸,然后像扔棒一样将他扔向空中,让他的身体翻转,直到他的膝盖在下落过程中猛撞进他的腹部。

After coughing up a mouthful of blood, Gohan clutched one hand around his stomach and pressed the other against his mouth to prevent vomit from following. 咳出一口血后,悟饭一手握住肚子,另一手捂住嘴,以防呕吐物溢出。

By sheer happenstance, he managed to land an elbow to Frieza\u0027s face, but the damage was miniscule pared to the kick Frieza delivered to his sternum in response. 凭借纯粹的偶然,他成功地用手肘击中了弗利萨的脸,但与弗利萨还击的踢击他的胸骨相比,伤害微不足道。

The next thing Gohan knew, he was crashing through the window of a laundromat and collided with a washing machine that erupted water all over his already damp body, reducing him to bloody sneezes. 接下来,悟饭感觉自己撞破了一家自助洗衣店的窗户,与一台喷水的洗衣机相撞,水溅到他已经湿透的身体上,让他喷出鲜血。

After getting enough of a hold of himself that he flew out of the building, his movement had dulled so much that he couldn\u0027t even avoid Frieza\u0027s next attack. 在控制住自己的状态后,他飞出了建筑物,但他的动作已经迟钝到连躲避弗利萨的下一次攻击都做不到。

Both of grey hands clobbered the top of his head. 他两只灰色的手狠狠地敲击在他的头顶。

He fell in such a way that he landed in a perfectly seated position on a bench. 他摔倒的姿势刚好落在长凳上,坐得端正。

His hair sank, the gold of his eyes faded to black. 他的头发下垂,眼中的金色褪去,变成了黑色。

He had been knocked right out of the trump card that was supposed to destroy Frieza. 他被直接击溃了原本应该摧毁弗利萨的底牌。

As Gohan sat on the bench, he glowered at what was left of West City. 当悟饭坐在长凳上时,他怒视着西都所剩无几的景象。

Restaurants that had been popular hangouts were left in smoky ruins, post offices caved in with all of its residents\u0027 mail eradicated, educational facilities pletely leveled. 受欢迎的餐厅变成了烟雾弥漫的废墟,邮