

作者:小肥滚来了 | 分类: | 字数:164万

第18章 决战18

书名:离开悟空后,悟饭无敌 作者:小肥滚来了 字数:38768 更新时间:2025-02-21 13:29:48

That was the thing about fighting Goku – it had bee painfully, abundantly clear that the bastard was just an outright genius at fighting.

这就是和孙悟空战斗的问题 - 随着时间的推移,这变得非常清晰而明显,这个混蛋在战斗中简直就是个天才。

Such an instinct and awareness of techniques couldn\u0027t be taught, no matter how many brutal drills you could go through. If Planet Vegeta were still around, the low-class may have gotten to the top through sheer hard work and skill.

这样的本能和对技巧的认知是无法教授的,无论你经历过多少残酷的训练。 如果贝吉塔星仍然存在,低级战士可能会通过纯粹的辛勤工作和技能来达到顶峰。

That didn\u0027t make Vegeta\u0027s dilemma any less infuriating as he flailed around wildly while Goku answered all his offense. He was supposed to be the most naturally gifted Saiyan, superior to everyone in every aspect of bat down to the footwork. His veins swelled just thinking about it.

这并没有减轻维吉塔的困境,当他疯狂地挥舞着,而孙悟空回应他的所有攻势时,他的愤怒并没有减少。 他本应是最有天赋的赛亚人,在战斗的方方面面都优于其他人,甚至包括步法。 一想到这一点,他的血管就涨了起来。

Vegeta got into Goku\u0027s airspace while he was in the middle of throwing a punch, leaving the younger Saiyan helpless to avoid him. Yet Goku regained his cool, swept Vegeta\u0027s legs, and dropkicked him away. As he got up, Vegeta smacked the floor – he was supposed to be the one able to pull that off at the spur of the moment.

维吉塔在孙悟空拳出之际进入了他的攻击空间,使得年轻的赛亚人无法躲避。 然而孙悟空重新镇定下来,横扫维吉塔的双腿,然后踢开他。 当他站起来时,维吉塔狠狠地拍了一下地板 - 他本应该能够即时完成这一招。

With his ribs hanging by a thread, Vegeta gasped for as much of the scant air as he could, growing dizzier as he tried dragging himself ahead. He was supposed to be on the other side, laughing at Goku as she struggled to breathe and hold his body together.

维吉塔的肋骨如同一根线挂着,他喘着气,尽可能地吸入稀薄的空气,随着他试图向前拖着自己,他的头晕得越来越厉害。 他本应该站在另一边,嘲笑孙悟空,看她在呼吸困难中努力维持身体的完整。

Aura exploded around Vegeta, flaring up like the spikes of his hair. He tried punching Goku\u0027s face with more power and force behind his blow, but his efforts only gave him both of Goku\u0027s forearms. It hurt his own fist more than it hurt Goku. As he shook his wrist, Goku took full advantage and punched him directly in the stomach, right in the same spot where Gohan impaled him.

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维吉塔周围的气息爆发开来,像他的头发一样突然燃烧起来。 他试图用更大的力量和力度击打孙悟空的脸,但他的努力只让他的拳头撞在孙悟空的前臂上。 这让他的拳头比孙悟空更疼痛。 当他摇晃着手腕时,孙悟空充分利用机会,直接猛击他的胃,正好击中了孙悟空刺穿他身体的那个位置。

Coughing up blood, Vegeta crumbled to the floor.

Translation: 喷出鲜血,贝吉塔倒在地板上。

Goku, as merciful as he was fearsome, immediately backed down with a concerned frown for the Saiyan prince rolling around and clutching his stomach with both hands.

Translation: 悟空既令人生畏又富有慈悲心,立即退后,带着关切的皱眉看着四处滚动并用双手抓住肚子的赛亚人王子。

\"Aw, shit,\" Goku murmured. \"I think I overdid it on that one.\"

Translation: \"哎呀,该死,\" 悟空嘀咕着说道。\"我觉得我在那一击上用力过猛了。\"

Vegeta looked up with his blood-stained teeth on display. \"Fuck you, Kakarot.\"

Translation: 贝吉塔抬起头,露出染血的牙齿。\"去你的,卡卡罗特。\"

Goku didn\u0027t react, having been on the receiving end of that insult plenty of times already. But he soon gasped when Vegeta somehow rose back to his feet with a surge of energy.

Translation: 悟空没有反应,因为他已经多次受到这种侮辱。但当贝吉塔以一股能量的激增再次站起来时,他突然倒抽了一口气。

\"Fuck your pity…fuck your third-class power…\" He dug his fingers into his palm hard enough to draw blood while his aura reignited. \"Fuck this stupid planet!\"

Translation: \"去你的怜悯……去你的三流力量……\" 他用足够的力量将手指插入掌心,让自己流血,同时他的气场再次燃起。\"去你的这个愚蠢的星球!\"

Goku\u0027s brows furrowed in recognition of the power growing before him. Running purely on his explosive emotions, Vegeta unleashed even more Ki from the depths of his spirit.

Translation: 悟空的眉头因为眼前不断增长的力量而皱起。贝吉塔完全凭借爆发性的情绪,从自己灵魂的深处释放出更多的气。

\"I am Vegeta, Prince of all Saiyans! I am a punching bag to nobody! Not you…not Gohan…\"

Translation: \"我是贝吉塔,赛亚人之王!我不会做任何人的出气筒!不是你……也不是悟饭……\"

The proud, broken prince squared his shoulders with his red eyes wide open.


Goku crouched down and unleashed his highest Kaio-Ken energy.


\"…And least of all, Frieza!\"

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Defying his own body, Vegeta released even more power until even his muscles swelled.


He burst forward, as did Goku. When they met in mid-air, Vegeta rammed through him like he wasn\u0027t even there. As Goku fell, Vegeta leveled his shoulder with a brutal kick, grabbed his spiky-hair, and pulled his skull into a punch delivered to the tip of his nose. A shockwave later, and Goku was all the way down on the floor.


Vegeta curled his arms back and released a shower of Ki blasts typically reserved for a cluster of targets, now for one single low-class Saiyan. He didn\u0027t know if they were landing or not, but he didn\u0027t care. After all of the defeats he had dealt with not just since landing on Earth, but since he first let those grunts in Frieza\u0027s army bully him at age four, the man was simply done with it all.


Once he felt his energy waning, Vegeta gathered all that was left in electric energy to his hands, curling them back for his signature attack.




Beneath the smoke, Vegeta could hear the chant that had grown to haunt him.


\"KA...ME...HA...ME...\" Vegeta\u0027s hands shook from the heat enshrouding them, and yet he smiled maniacally in response.

Translation: \"KA...ME...HA...ME...\" 贝吉塔的双手在被热量包围时颤抖着,然而他疯狂地笑了起来。

If Goku was going to give him his best shot, then he would gladly answer him.

Translation: 如果悟空要使出全力,那么他将乐意回应。

\"GUN!\" \"HA!\" One more time, their blasts collided.

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Translation: \"GUN!\" \"HA!\" 又一次,他们的能量弹碰撞在一起。

Vegeta kept pushing, even as his heart dangerously pounded inside his chest.

Translation: 贝吉塔继续努力,即使他的心脏在胸腔里危险地跳动。

He would burn through his whole life force if he had to; if doing so killed him, he would deserve it.

Translation: 如果必要的话,他会耗尽自己的全部生命力;即使这样会导致他死亡,他也会值得。

After seeing how this played out the other hundred times in the room, he would be perfectly fine never seeing it again.

Translation: 在房间里看到这个情景发生了一百次之后,他再也不想看到了。

Little by little, he felt Goku\u0027s blast wither. That drove Vegeta not to relinquish his attack, but pump out even more energy to bring himself over the top.

Translation: 他逐渐感受到悟空的能量弹减弱。这驱使贝吉塔不放弃进攻,而是释放更多能量将自己推向顶峰。

With a throat-splitting roar, the Prince of all Saiyans wrapped his hand around the throat of victory and squeezed as much out of it as he could until the blast broke through Goku\u0027s and exploded against the ground.

Translation: 伴随着一声撕裂喉咙的咆哮,贝吉塔将手环绕在胜利的喉咙上,尽可能地挤取出最大的力量,直到能量弹穿透悟空的攻击,在地面上爆炸。

With smoke filling his lungs and his energy racing away from his body, Vegeta limply floated back down, not waiting for the smoke to clear to see the conclusion of his efforts.

Translation: 烟雾充斥他的肺部,他的能量离开身体迅速消散,贝吉塔无力地飘落下来,不等烟雾散去就不再等待他努力的结果。

As soon as his feet hit the floor, he doubled over and coughed up blood. 一双脚触地,他痛苦地弯下腰,咳出鲜血。

He looked up, squinting his eyes until he saw a silhouette. 他抬头看着,眯起双眼直到他看到一个轮廓。

Beneath all the smoke, Goku lay unconscious with burns all over his arms. 在浓烟中,孙悟空躺在地上,手臂上布满了灼伤的痕迹。

He wasn\u0027t dead, but he was defeated. 他没有死,但他已经被打败了。

Vegeta limped towards his body, wanting to laugh but too exhausted to do anything but cough. 维吉塔一瘸一拐地走向孙悟空的身体,想要笑,但身体太过疲惫只能咳嗽。

A few seconds later, he fell down. 几秒钟后,他倒在地上。

He was out before his head even hit the surface. 他甚至还没碰到地面,就已经昏迷了。

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37 hours later, they woke back up and fought again. 37个小时后,他们重新醒来并再次战斗。

Gohan sat at the dining table, gnawing at a strip of bacon. 孙悟饰坐在餐桌旁,啃着一条培根。

When a certain blue-haired woman walked through the door, he planted his eyes down and chewed his food like it was the last dish on Earth. 当一位特定的蓝发女子走进门时,他垂下眼睛,像是这是地球上最后一道菜肴一样咀嚼着食物。

\"Morning,\" Bulma said. “早上好,”布尔玛说道。

\"My dad and I are gonna repair the ship soon, so your training won\u0027t be on hold for long.\" “我和我爸爸很快就要修复飞船了,所以你的训练不会太久中断。”

Gohan just kept chewing on his food, responding only with a hasty nod. 孙悟饰继续咀嚼着食物,只回以匆忙的点头。

Bulma laughed at his rattled disposition. 布尔玛笑了笑,对他狼狈的样子感到好笑。

\"Look, I\u0027m sorry you had to see that yesterday. Especially how we were going at it-\" \"抱歉你昨天看到那个场景。尤其是我们之间的争吵-\"

He nearly choked on his food, he forced it down so hard. 他几乎被食物呛到了,他强迫自己吞下去。

\"And there I go again,\" Bulma grumbled. \"Nice going, Bluma. I\u0027ll leave you alone.\" “我又开始了,”布尔玛嘟囔着说。“真棒,布尔玛。我会离开你一个人。”

As Bulma stood up, Gohan found his brain itching with a burning question that he would probably regret not asking at some point. 当布尔玛站起来的时候,悟饭的大脑涌现出一个令他心痒难耐的问题,他可能会后悔自己没有问。

After forcing his food down, Gohan groaned and spoke up. 在强迫自己把食物吞下去后,悟饭呻吟着开口了。

\"How?\" “怎么会这样?”

Bulma turned with intrigue. \"How? Uh…if you\u0027re really clueless about sex I have a bunch of books-\" 布尔玛带着好奇的眼神转过身来。“怎么会这样?嗯...如果你对性知之甚少,我有一堆书可以-”

\"Not that,\" Gohan grumbled. \"God, I don\u0027t need the details. But how did you and Vegeta get…well…there? I thought you two hated each other.\" “不是那个,”悟饭嘟囔着。“天啊,我不需要了解细节。但你和维吉塔是怎么...呃...在一起的?我原以为你们两个互相讨厌。”

Knowing the answer about as well as Gohan, Bulma sighed and took a seat across from him. 布尔玛和悟饭一样知道答案,她叹了口气,坐到他的对面。

\"Honestly, I\u0027m pretty sure we still do. But, like, as much as I want to chalk it up to us just being a couple of attractive, lonely, singles in our late-thirties…there\u0027s more to it then that. I mean, look at you. By every metric, you should hate Vegeta\u0027s guts, but you don\u0027t.\" “老实说,我很确定我们现在还是互相讨厌的。但是,就像我想把这归结为我们只是一对吸引人、孤独的三十多岁单身汉一样……事情并不只是那样简单。看看你自己。按照各种标准,你应该恨透了维吉塔,但你并没有。”

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\"You\u0027re right…\" Gohan said, examining the field of emotions that resulted in him both trying to kill the man out of deep-seeded anger, and being shaken up about it. \"He\u0027s magnetic. Some of the dumbest, boldest things I\u0027ve ever done were just from his presence giving me more confidence.\" “你说得对……”悟饭说着,审视着他内心的情感,这些情感导致他既试图出于根深蒂固的愤怒而杀死这个人,又对此感到震惊。“他很有魅力。我做过的一些最愚蠢、最大胆的事情都是因为他的存在给了我更多的信心。”

\"Right?! A guy like that, you can\u0027t help but want to be on his level.\" Bulma sighed deep enough in her lungs that Gohan squirmed away. That sounded like a moan to his ears. \"It almost makes me forget just who he is. A crazy space Viking who kills for fun. But while you were gone, I saw another side of him for a few moments. I mean, he was still a dick, but it was just different.\" “没错!像他这样的人,你禁不住想要达到他的水平。”布尔玛深深地叹了口气,悟饭听着像是一声呻吟。“这几乎让我忘记他到底是个什么样的人。一个为了乐趣而杀戮的疯狂太空维京人。但在你离开的时候,我看到了他另一面,哪怕只有几分钟。我的意思是,他还是个混蛋,但是感觉不同。”

That\u0027s where Bulma lost Gohan. While Vegeta had demonstrated that he cared about him, those demonstrations were hardly what he would call affectionate gestures. 这就是布尔玛让悟饭迷茫的地方。虽然维吉塔曾经表现出他关心他,但那些表现很难被他称之为深情的举动。

Bulma rested her head in her right hand. 布尔玛将头靠在右手上。

\"Doesn\u0027t make a lick of sense, really. But feelings rarely do. Even you understand that. You got a sweetheart out in space, right?\" “实在说不通,真的。但感情很少是能说得通的。你也明白这一点。你在太空中有个心上人,对吧?”

\"She\u0027s not my sweetheart,\" Gohan whined, growing more childishly upset when Bulma giggled. “她不是我心上人,”悟饭抱怨道,布尔玛咯咯笑的时候,他变得更加幼稚地生气了。

\"She\u0027s at least cute though, right?\" Bulma asked, ignoring his response entirely. \"Like, she\u0027s not one of those aliens that\u0027s really just a toad with a human body or anything?\" “但她至少长得可爱,对吧?”布尔玛完全无视他的回答。“就像,她不是那种只是长着人类身体的蟾蜍的外星人之类的吧?”

Gohan clenched his throat to stop himself from laughing, which just triggered a coughing fit. The alien that best fit that description was the duplicitous coward known as Cui, and the idea of anybody let alone Gohan being attracted to that freak was pure fiction at its finest. 悟饭捂住喉咙,试图阻止自己笑出声来,结果却引发了一阵咳嗽。最符合那种描述的外星人是那个伪善胆小的叫做库伊的家伙,而任何人,更别说悟饭对那个怪物有兴趣,这个想法简直是最好的虚构作品。

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\"No,\" Gohan replied, gagging and laughing at the same time. \"She looks normal. Hell, she\u0027s so normal-looking that I ran into a girl that looks exactly like her while I was searching for the Dragon Balls.\" “不,”悟饭回答道,一边咳嗽一边笑。“她看起来很正常。见鬼,她看起来如此普通,以至于在我寻找龙珠的时候,我遇到了一个长得跟她一模一样的女孩。”

\"No kidding?! Sheesh, you must\u0027ve thought you were on drugs when you saw her. What are the odds?\" “不会吧?哎呀,当你看到她的时候,你一定以为自己吃了迷药。这机会有多大?”

\"Yeah…\" Gohan stared at his reflection in the plate below him. He wondered if all that really had been a fever dream or at the very least a hallucination, a function of his desperate brain. “是的……”悟饭盯着盘子里的自己的倒影。他想知道那一切是否真的只是发烧时的幻觉,或者至少是他绝望大脑的产物。

\"I just miss her,\" Gohan confessed, restlessly tapping his plate. \"She\u0027s just…so pretty. And funny. And she\u0027s kinda crazy, too. I\u0027ve only ever been happy around her…\" With his hand trembling, he grabbed hold of the nearest fork. \"And right now, I don\u0027t know if she\u0027s alive, dead, captured, or what…\" “我只是想念她,”悟饭坦白地说着,不安地敲打着他的盘子。“她……真漂亮。又幽默。还有点疯狂。在她身边,我只感到快乐……”他的手颤抖着,抓住最近的叉子。“而现在,我不知道她是活着、死了,还是被抓了,或者怎么样……”

\"Aww, she is your sweetheart,\" Bulma teased. “啊,她就是你的心上人,”布尔玛取笑道。

Gohan\u0027s eyes didn\u0027t leave his reflection. 悟饭的目光没有离开自己的倒影。

Bulma patted Gohan on his shoulder with a warm smile. \"Just keep training. When this is over, you\u0027ll see her again and won\u0027t have to worry about a thing.\" 布尔玛用温暖的微笑拍了拍悟饭的肩膀。“继续训练吧。等这一切结束,你会再次见到她,不必担心任何事情。”

Gohan intensified his gaze at the plate, practically projecting his drive onto his own self. Bulma stood up, stretching herself out and yawning before leaving the kitchen. 悟饭将目光集中在盘子上,几乎将自己的动力投射到自己身上。布尔玛站起身,伸了伸懒腰,然后离开了厨房。

\"But when that happens, just make sure you two aren\u0027t up to what you caught me and Vegeta doing until you\u0027re 18 and ready to raise a kid.\" “但是当那一天到来时,确保你们两个在18岁并准备好养孩子之前,不要做你们发现我和维吉特在做的事情。”

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The fork in Gohan\u0027s hands snapped in half. Gohan手中的叉子折断了一半。

That woman really couldn\u0027t let a single moment of sincerity pass without inappropriate snark, huh? 那个女人真是不能让任何一个真诚的时刻过去而不加以不当的嘲讽,是吧?

Later on, Gohan sat in the wilderness with his scouter over his eye, meditating since he had no access to the spaceship. 稍后,悟饭坐在野外,眼睛上戴着探测器,进行冥想,因为他无法接触到宇宙飞船。

With his mind free of his negative thoughts for the time being, he could appreciate the sounds of birds chirping and squirrels frolicking about that served as reminders of what was at stake. 暂时摆脱了消极的思绪,他能够欣赏到鸟儿鸣叫和松鼠嬉戏的声音,这些声音提醒着他面临的重要事情。

By going to Earth, the fight with Frieza ceased to be a fight for his personal freedom, but a fight to protect the planet and people that mattered to him. 通过前往地球,与弗利萨的战斗不再是为了他个人的自由而战,而是为了保护对他重要的星球和人民而战。

As he sat, he kept his Ki consistently flowing. 当他坐着时,他保持着持续不断的气流。

Simply exercising it like he would any of his normal muscles would see it grow day by day, on top of his physical training. 只是像锻炼其他肌肉一样锻炼气流,它会随着时间的推移而不断增长,在他的身体训练之上。

As he learned from Piccolo, he could grow his strength and maintain peace at the same time. 正如他从比克洛学到的那样,他可以在增强力量的同时保持和平。

Of course, it was hard to maintain peace when a scouter would suddenly start buzzing in your ear. 当一个探测器突然在耳边发出嗡嗡声时,要保持和平当然很困难。

Annoyed at first, Gohan\u0027s eyes shot open. 起初感到恼怒,悟饭猛地睁开了眼睛。

A signal to his scouter could mean only one person. 探测器的信号只可能意味着一个人。

Gohan clicked the red button. 悟饭按下了红色按钮。

\"Arepa?\" \"Arepa?\"

\"But of course not, young lad! This is Frieza!\" “但当然不是,年轻人!这是弗利萨!”

Gohan stood straight up, his throat clenching. Gohan挺直身子,喉咙紧绷。

All of that peace he\u0027d been maintaining went out the window, a scowl and a rapid heartbeat in his place. 他一直保持的平静一扫而空,取而代之的是愤怒的表情和急促的心跳。

With both fists squeezed at his sides, Gohan tried gaining control of his breathing to center himself. 双拳握紧在身旁,悟饭试图控制呼吸来使自己集中。

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\"What the hell do you want?!\" “你到底想要什么?!”

Suddenly, a familiar sound of playful laughter replied to him. 突然,一个熟悉的欢快笑声回答了他。

\"Oh God, my impression of that bastard really is too accurate! It\u0027s my accent, ain\u0027t it?\" “天啊,我的模仿那个混蛋真的太准确了!是我的口音,是吗?”

Gohan gasped once he realized the true identity of that voice. 悟饭一旦意识到那个声音的真实身份,他倒抽了一口气。

A half-ton of tension freed itself from his shoulders. 一股压力从他的肩膀上释放出来。

\"Don\u0027t fucking scare me like that, Arepa,\" he snickered. “别他妈像那样吓我,Arepa,”他窃笑道。

\"Hold on, Gohan, is your voice a lil\u0027 deeper?\" Arepa asked. “等等,悟饭,你的声音变得有点沉了吗?”Arepa问道。

\"That\u0027s where all that smokin\u0027 gets ya.\" “那就是吸烟的后果。”

Rolling his eyes, Gohan sat back down. 悟饭翻了个白眼,重新坐下。

After a year, relative to his time, he\u0027d forgotten how much he enjoyed this. 相对于他的时间,一年过去了,他已经忘记了自己有多喜欢这个。

\"Well, a lot can happen in a couple of days,\" Gohan replied. \"两天内会发生很多事情,\"悟饭回答道。

\"That\u0027s what\u0027s up. A lot of shit\u0027s gone down in just a day here, too. \" \"情况就是这样。这里在短短一天内也发生了很多破事。\"

Gohan brows furrowed, his concern growing. \"What\u0027s going on?\" 悟饭的眉头紧皱,担忧越来越深。 \"发生了什么事?\"

\"Word on the space streets is, all the planets that the Frieza Force has purged the last few months just had their whole populations poof back to life. It\u0027s created a real shitshow.\" \"太空里流传的消息是,弗利萨军队在过去几个月清除的所有星球,它们的整个人口都突然复活了。情况变得一团糟。\"

The half-Saiyan breathed a sigh of relief. Good. The wish had worked exactly as it should have. \"Really, now?\" 半人半赛亚人松了一口气。 太好了。 愿望确实按照预期发挥作用。 \"真的吗?\"

\"Yeah. Last I heard, Frieza was gearin\u0027 up to finally hit y\u0027all on Earth, but with all this goin\u0027 down there\u0027s no tellin\u0027 when he\u0027ll leave now. His pops is AAAAALLLL on his ass about this shit. Kiyomi snuck in on one of their convos, and it wasn\u0027t pretty.\" \"是的。据我所知,弗利萨正准备最终攻击你们地球上的人,但是由于发生了这么多事情,现在没人知道他什么时候会离开。他的老爸对这件事非常生气。Kiyomi偷听了他们的对话,结果不怎么样。\"

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Gohan couldn\u0027t help but smirk, knowing that even that smug little lizard had people he had to answer to. 悟饭不禁露出了一丝得意的笑容,因为他知道即使是那个傲慢的小蜥蜴也有要向别人负责的人。

Even if it meant there was a greater opponent on the horizon.


\"But let\u0027s be real. This is just a teeny inconvenience. It\u0027ll take him a couple months, but he\u0027ll be back at you guys in a jiffy. I have a feelin\u0027 a lot of planets are \u0027bout to blow up,\" Arepa warned, tension rising in her voice. \"And me \u0027n Kiyomi want no parts of the wars that are \u0027bout to pop off, so we\u0027re headin\u0027 to Earth as I speak. It\u0027s safer to be around you and Vegeta. \"

\"但让我们实事求是吧。 这只是个小小的不便。 他可能会花几个月的时间,但他很快就会回到你们身边。 我有一种感觉,很多星球即将爆炸,\" Arepa警告道,她的声音中充满紧张。 \"而我和Kiyomi不想参与即将爆发的战争,所以我们正前往地球。 和你和Vegeta在一起更安全。\"

Gohan sprang back up again, admittedly excited. \"Really? How long?\"

Gohan又弹了起来,承认自己很兴奋。 \"真的吗?要多久?\"

\"ETA\u0027s like, ten months or somethin\u0027. \"


Gohan grabbed a nearby tree branch, focusing on that figure. Ten months. As far as he was concerned, he could bet on Frieza and his men arriving within that same time frame. He wouldn\u0027t keep his two prime targets waiting for too long.

Gohan抓住附近的一根树枝,专注地看着那个人物。 十个月。 在他看来,他可以打赌弗里萨和他的手下将在同一时间到达。 他不会让他的两个主要目标等待太久。

\"Got it. And hey, see if Kiyomi can get in touch with the folks on Planet Mamba. Tell them to stand down, so they can be safe from the rampage.

\"知道了。 嘿,看看Kiyomi是否可以与Mamba星球的人们取得联系。 告诉他们停手,这样他们就能免受冲突的危害。\"

\"Gotcha. God, you don\u0027t even know how much I\u0027ve missed you, dude. \"

\"知道了。 天啊,你根本不知道我有多想念你,伙计。\"

The sentiment had certainly been shared on both sides. Just hearing the sound of her voice gave Gohan a sense of fort and security that he had been lacking recently.

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这种情感显然是双方都共享的。 仅仅听到她的声音,就给了孙悟饭一种他最近所缺乏的安慰和安全感。

\"I know. \"


\"Just keep at it. Can\u0027t wait to see your stupid face again…I\u0027ll see you soon,\" Arepa\u0027s voice had softened to a tone Gohan didn\u0027t recognize ing from her. \"I love you. \"

\"继续加油。 迫不及待地想再次见到你那傻样的脸...我很快就会见到你的,\" Arepa的声音变得温柔,让孙悟饭感到陌生。 \"我爱你。\"

Gohan snapped the branch in half.


\"Aw fuck, hold on, that wasn\u0027t supposed to sound all stupid and sappy like that forget I even said-\"


\"No, it\u0027s okay,\" Gohan said, calming himself down. He opened his palm, gazing at the broken piece of the branch with his cheeks a crimson red. \"I uh…love you too…I guess?\"

\"不,没关系,\"孙悟饭说,让自己冷静下来。 他张开手掌,凝视着那根断裂的树枝,脸颊泛起红晕。 \"我,呃...我也爱你...我想是这样吧?\"

Smooth. \"Do me a favor and never say that shit again.\"

Translation: 平顺。“帮我一个忙,以后再也不要说那种话了。”

\"Got it.\"

Translation: “明白了。”

\"Okay, it\u0027s not fun when you pull mommy\u0027s hair like that,\" Bulma sighed, swatting away the tiny hand tugging the blue strands of her long hair.

Translation: “好了,你这样拽妈妈的头发并不好玩。” 布尔玛叹了口气,拍开那只拽着她长发蓝色发丝的小手。

She had been ing off a rough few weeks – hell, a rough few months – largely due to the figure so enamored with her hair at the moment.

Translation: 过去几周她一直过得很艰难 - 哎呀,几个月来也很艰难 - 这在很大程度上是因为此刻着迷于她的头发的这个小家伙。

After finally getting around to that new armor she promised to make Vegeta and knocking out the entire thing in one night courtesy of her obsessive pride and fixation, the only thing fueling her at the moment was the coffee mug at the end of her desk.

Translation: 在她终于开始制作那套她答应给贝吉塔做的新装甲并在一夜之间完成整套装备后,她对自己的过度自豪和固执的执着感到满意,此刻唯一支撑着她的就是桌子尽头的咖啡杯。

Despite her exhaustion, she still found it in her to smile at the baby in the white shirt and black cap sitting in her lap.

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Translation: 尽管她筋疲力尽,但她还是对坐在她膝上、穿着白衬衫和黑色帽子的婴儿微笑着。

Being only a month old, the little guy was precariously tiny, though his eyes were as blue as his mother\u0027s and as bold as his father\u0027s.

Translation: 这个小家伙只有一个月大,他身形娇小,但他的眼睛像他妈妈一样蓝,像他爸爸一样坚定。

\"Hey there, little one. You sure know how to make your mommy tired, don\u0027t you?\"

Translation: \"嗨,小家伙。你确实知道如何让妈妈累,不是吗?\"

Bulma cooed, her voice filled with both affection and exhaustion as she gently rocked the baby in her arms.

Translation: 布尔玛轻声呢喃,声音中充满了爱和疲惫,她轻轻地摇摆着怀中的婴儿。

It had been a challenging journey of motherhood so far, but she wouldn\u0027t trade it for anything in the world.

Translation: 这段母亲的旅程一直充满挑战,但她不会为任何东西而放弃。

The baby gurgled in response, his tiny hand reaching out to grasp Bulma\u0027s finger.

Translation: 婴儿发出咯咯的声音作为回应,他的小手伸出来抓住了布尔玛的手指。

She couldn\u0027t help but smile, feeling an overwhelming love for this little being that she had brought into the world.

Translation: 她忍不住微笑,感受到对这个她带到世界上的小生命的无尽爱意。

\"While the attention was splendid, it was equally exhausting.\" (Original Text)


\"She wanted to tuck Trunks into bed and tuck herself in for good measure.\" (Original Text)


\"The bedroom door was already open, which she expected.\" (Original Text)


\"What she hadn\u0027t expected, however, was the presence of the man that had beaten her inside.\" (Original Text)


\"Standing in front of Trunks\u0027 crib was Vegeta himself, his arms folded as always, and scrutinizing his newborn son.\" (Original Text)


\"He didn\u0027t notice Bulma entering.\" (Original Text)


\"I didn\u0027t expect you here,\" Bulma said, approaching the crib. (Original Text)

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\"我没想到你会在这里,\" 布尔玛说着,走向婴儿床。

\"Vegeta only acknowledged her presence with a grunt.\" (Original Text)


\"Trunks lay against his fortable sheets, his feet kicking but his rigid eyes captivated by his mismatched parents.\" (Original Text)


\"Bulma smiled; he managed to both be the cutest baby she\u0027d ever seen, and also the meanest – a healthy mix of both parents.\" (Original Text)


\"He doesn\u0027t even look like a Saiyan. His eyes are blue.\" (Original Text)


Bulma frowned at her co-parent, hating the way he critiqued his – their - son. (Original Text)


\"Gohan is half-Saiyan, too, but he has dark hair and black eyes just like all full-bloods.\" (Original Text)


Bulma rolled her eyes. \"You saw his mom, genius. She just so happened to have black hair and black eyes herself.\" With a mischievous smirk, she added, \"Obviously, my genes are just stronger than yours.\" (Original Text)


Vegeta scoffed at the sheer absurdity. \"Don\u0027t be absurd.\" (Original Text)


Long immune to his threads, Bulma laughed and cautiously eyed the tail curling around beneath Trunks. He laughed at it, regarding it more as a toy than a fifth limb. \"We\u0027re gonna have to get rid of that thing soon.\" (Original Text)


\"The tail stays. At least he\u0027ll have one thing that indicates he\u0027s a Saiyan.\" (Original Text)


\"But the risks, Vegeta. God restored the moon. We wouldn\u0027t want another rampage like what happened with Gohan.\" (Original Text)

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Both Bulma and Vegeta winced, recalling that night that seemed like an eternity ago. (Original Text)


In hindsight, that may have been the first sign that Vegeta wasn\u0027t a total bastard, with him narrowly saving her from a gruesome death. (Original Text)


Luckily, Gohan had e a long way, having bee immune to the transformation\u0027s effects after his mastery of that form that nearly killed Vegeta. (Original Text)


Finally, Vegeta grunted in frustration. \"Just put him to bed early on those nights, then.\" (Original Text)


\"I guess that makes sense,\" Bulma conceded, not missing the victorious snort from Vegeta. \"His name is Trunks, by the way.\" (Original Text)


Bulma turned her eyes to Vegeta, waiting for his reaction. To her dismay, his eye twitched with disgust. \"Tch. What a ridiculous name.\" (Original Text)


Bulma coarsely put her hand on her hips and shifted to face him directly. \"Oh, is that so? Care to share what brilliant name you would e up with, or should I just pick something from a farmer\u0027s market ad?\" (Original Text)


When Vegeta vehemently scoffed, Bulma smiled with triumph. \"What drivel. I would have named him Vegeta, obviously.\" (Original Text)


He\u0027s the fifth generation of the royal bloodline and thus requires the name. (Original Text)


\"Well, it\u0027s a little late for that, buddy. You weren\u0027t there, so you had no say,\" Bulma replied with a hint of bitterness that Vegeta clearly didn\u0027t miss. \"You rag on me about my real name, so consider our family tradition karma.\" (Original Text)

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With a growl, Vegeta spun on his heel to leave. \"I have more important matters than arguing over names.\" Bulma followed him out, remembering a burning question that had been on her mind. (Original Text)


\"Wait,\" she called. Vegeta sighed and stopped, turning his head to the side to acknowledge her. (Original Text)


\"What now?\" (Original Text)


\"Will you be staying here for him?\" (Original Text)


Bulma pursed her lips, already bracing herself for disappointment. Rather than respond, Vegeta turned his face forward. His tense silence only spanned for half of a minute but felt like years from Bulma\u0027s perspective. (Original Text)


\"No.\" (Original Text)


She may have expected it, but it didn\u0027t hurt any less to actually hear it. \"But why? He\u0027s your son.\" (Original Text)


\"And…? Once Frieza\u0027s defeated, Gohan and I will go after his brother and father next. And once that\u0027s over, I will finally claim my birthright and rule over their entire empire myself.\" (Original Text)


\"Are you actually serious, Vegeta?\" Bulma snapped, her voice hot. \"After everything Gohan\u0027s been through…hell, after everything YOU\u0027VE been through, you\u0027re still going to keep that shitshow going?\" (Original Text)


Vegeta spun around with a resentful scowl. \"I would change certain things, obviously. For one thing, I won\u0027t use children.\" (Original Text)

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\"Oh great, you\u0027re just gonna dispose of them like waste instead,\" Bulma said with a sickened eyeroll. \"How fucking reassuring.\" (Original Text)


Vegeta hissed through his teeth, his forehead swelling. \"Have you forgotten exactly who I am? I may have lived here for a few months, but make no mistake – I am every bit the conqueror I was when I arrived on this mudball, and neither you nor a child will change that.\" (Original Text)


\"Bulma huffed air and shook her head, trying to keep from getting wound up.\" (Original Text)


\"Fine. I\u0027m not gonna act like our situation fell anywhere in your plans and a destitute single mother I am certainly not. But I guess the joke\u0027s on me for thinking you could ever grow and try making this universe a little less shitty.\" (Original Text)


\"It\u0027s my destiny to rule this universe, not save it,\" Vegeta argued, though his eyes were notably averted from Bulma\u0027s. \"And I have no interest in weak, peace-loving worlds like this. There are sewage-ridden ponds out there with strong opponents, just waiting for the big fish to take over.\" (Original Text)


\"Bulma nonchalantly folded her arms, at her wit\u0027s end with Vegeta. They\u0027d been through this song and dance a few times through her pregnancy. \"Fine. You win. The universe is your giant, personal MMA promotion and your son \u0026 I are just blank faces in the crowd. My mistake for ever expecting anything more from you.\" (Original Text)

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\"Vegeta narrowed his eyes resentfully, eventually folding his arms again. His typical defense mechanism. \"You\u0027re right – your mistake. Maybe stop and think the next time you spread your legs for a Saiyan.\" (Original Text)


\"Bulma\u0027s face suddenly grew burning hot as she yearned to slap Vegeta across the cheek.\" (Original Text)


\"The Saiyan prince was nothing if not calculated, and he knew exactly what buttons to push.\" (Original Text)


\"But she took a deep breath, not wanting her son to see the argument escalate.\" (Original Text)


\"Gohan and the man across from her gave her the impression that Saiyans had faster cognitive development than humans.\" (Original Text)


\"So, she settled for a cold, unrelenting stare.\" (Original Text)


\"Go to hell, Vegeta. Do whatever you want.\" (Original Text)


\"Gladly.\" (Original Text)


\"Not even the joy of her son\u0027s smile could stop Bulma from groaning.\" (Original Text)


\"Arguing had always been Bulma and Vegeta\u0027s primary mode of munication, but it was always more playful and flirtatious.\" (Original Text)


\"In the waning months of her pregnancy, however, and especially the past month since Trunks\u0027 birth, their verbal spats had bee downright nasty.\" (Original Text)


\"Really, she just wanted all of this to be over.\" (Original Text)

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\"The shadow of this monster known as Frieza that she had only heard through words just brought more rumbling to the mountain that was Bulma\u0027s stress.\" (Original Text)


\"Even if she would have to live a life with a son who would never know his father, she could do it without worrying about somebody blowing everything up.\" (Original Text)


\"Well, until Piccolo got the world domination itch again, at least.\" (Original Text)


\"She turned her attention to a door at the other end of the laboratory.\" (Original Text)


\"The armor hadn\u0027t been the only thing she\u0027d been hard at work on.\" (Original Text)


\"After setting Trunks down, she went to the doors and opened them up.\" (Original Text)


\"An entire armory – enhanced weapons of all variety.\" (Original Text)

一个完整的军械库 - 各种改进型武器。

\"In this room was just a smattering of what her, her father, and countless Capsule Corporation scientists had worked on.\" (Original Text)


\"After making a breakthrough with the twins\u0027 power source, she carried over her findings to ensuring the Earth\u0027s military could handle some of the lowest grunts of Frieza\u0027s army with energy-enhanced guns and grenades.\" (Original Text)


\"She observed her work with pride.\" (Original Text)


\"The Earth was ready to fight this threat.\" (Original Text)


\"And any casualty could be repaired.\" (Original Text)


\"The baby in the chair a few feet away didn\u0027t give her much time to marvel, of course, as he broke out into loud wails.\" (Original Text)

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\"Already suspecting the cause, she hurried over, picked Trunks up and gently patted his head.\" (Original Text)


\"Aww, is little Trunks hungry? Don\u0027t worry, I\u0027ll fix ya right up!\" (Original Text)


\"Bulma got up and marched to the kitchen.\" (Original Text)


\"To her surprise, Vegeta had been standing at the kitchen counter already, in the middle of preparing a drink with the coffee maker.\" (Original Text)


\"In the past couple of weeks, he basically lived in the spaceship, devoting 150% of his time to training.\" (Original Text)


\"Where she would have previously given him a snide greeting, her hard feelings now kept her from acknowledging his presence in any way.\" (Original Text)


\"She opened up her large pantry and looked for a jar of peanut butter while Trunks kept crying in her grip.\" (Original Text)


\"Would it kill you to cease the boy\u0027s crying?!\" Vegeta suddenly yelled from the counter. \"There\u0027s barely any damn peace \u0026 quiet here as it is.\" (Original Text)

\"停止男孩的哭声会杀了你吗?!\"维吉塔突然从柜台上大喊道。 \"这里本来就没有多少宁静与安宁。\"

\"I\u0027m working on it, obviously,\" Bulma shouted back. \"Unless you have ideas of your own.\" (Original Text)

\"我正在努力,显然。\"布尔玛回应道。 \"除非你有自己的主意。\"

\"That\u0027s what I thought, she wisely kept to herself as she finally found the red jar that had already accumulated a mural of brown stains in just a month.\" (Original Text)


\"After grabbing a spoon from the drawer, she cracked the jar open and scooped some peanut butter up, placing the spoon to Trunks\u0027 mouth.\" (Original Text)

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\"Unfortunately, the half-Saiyan baby seemed more interested in crying than eating.\" (Original Text)

不幸的是,这个半 Saiyan 的宝宝似乎对哭泣比吃东西更感兴趣。

\"Ugh, you\u0027re not making this any easier, Tru-\" (Original Text)


\"To her bewilderment, Trunks slapped the spoon out of her hand and sent it flying straight to the window. The glass shattered like it was stricken by a speeding bullet.\" (Original Text)

使她感到困惑的是,Trunks一巴掌将勺子打落,并将其直接扔向窗户。 玻璃像被一颗高速子弹击中一样破碎了。

\"She could only blink in exasperation, cursing the universe for giving her a baby that was probably stronger than her already. Maybe she should have been getting gravity room reps with Vegeta.\" (Original Text)

她只能愤怒地眨了眨眼,咒骂宇宙为何给了她一个可能比她还强壮的婴儿。 也许她应该和维吉塔一起去重力室锻炼。

\"Well, that worked splendidly,\" Vegeta remarked before downing his finished coffee all at once. (Original Text)


After a scornful side-eye, Bulma jerked her head back and forth. (Original Text)


\"Shit, where did I put that pacifier?\" (Original Text)


Thinking on her feet, Bulma slid to Vegeta and shoved Trunks towards him. (Original Text)


\"Here, hold him while I look for it.\" (Original Text)


\"Are you serious, woman?!\" Vegeta balked. (Original Text)


\"It\u0027ll just be a freaking minute; take him!\" (Original Text)


Clearly either in no mood to continue arguing or knowing she wouldn\u0027t drop the issue (probably both), Vegeta relented and gingerly grabbed him by his armpits, regarding him only like a pest as he stared at him. (Original Text)


But something strange caught both bickering parents by surprise – the cries stopped! Trunks stifled his whimpers to wondrously stare at his father\u0027s stern face. (Original Text)


\"Holy crap! You actually got him to stop crying!\" (Original Text)


Initially staring at her like she just sneezed into a psychotic blonde, Vegeta tried forcing a smirk to salvage his dignity. (Original Text)


\"Clearly, the boy already recognizes my manding presence. As he should.\" (Original Text)
