

作者:小肥滚来了 | 分类: | 字数:164万

第15章 决战15

书名:离开悟空后,悟饭无敌 作者:小肥滚来了 字数:10987 更新时间:2024-10-26 02:34:09

Goku broke the silence by taking a quick, sudden dive into the lake, splashing water into Gohan\u0027s face.


When he opened his eyes, he gasped at the sight of Goku\u0027s outfit lying in a pile in the grass.


The hyperactive Saiyan waddled through the river in nothing but his boxers.


\"What the hell are you doing?\" Gohan called out.


Goku lifted his head out from the water. \"What am I doin\u0027? Fishin\u0027, of course! Ain\u0027tcha gonna dive in, too?\"


\"That\u0027s what I have this for,\" Gohan said, whipping his tail out.


\"Oh yeah, of course!\" Goku marveled. \"That\u0027s how I used to do it back in the day! Tell ya what, let\u0027s see what makes the biggest catch – your way, or my way!\"


It seemed like everything was a petition with Goku. And Gohan would gladly oblige. \"You\u0027re on.\"


Gohan turned around, nudging his back towards the lake and dipping his tail inside.


It wasn\u0027t unusual during a purge for the Saiyans to find a tasty-looking fish in the many rivers they encountered.

在一次肃清期间,赛亚人在他们所遇到的众多河流中发现美味的鱼并不罕见。Nappa preferred to chase after them like Goku was, while Vegeta and Raditz would just blow all the water away, leave the fish to asphyxiate, and take what they liked.


But Gohan always preferred the more quiet, peaceful method of using his tail as bait. It was a little piece of home.


Using every sense but his eyes, Gohan stroked his tail towards what he felt was the biggest fish. The water vibrations, and the Ki he had been picking up let Gohan know precisely what to look for.

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Meanwhile, Goku set his sights on a blue fish the size of a bear and frantically chased it down, laughing and screaming as he did. Hearing the sound of his father\u0027s voice with such joy took Gohan right back to the old days of fishing. He couldn\u0027t stop himself from smiling.


The fish flopped out of the water, and that\u0027s when Goku leapt in the air and seized it in his grip. After slamming it down onto the grass beside Gohan, Goku bounced off and landed on his back, though he shook off the pain.


\"Ah yeah, this is a helluva catch! Sorry to say, but you might wanna pack it in. Ain\u0027t gettin\u0027 much better than that!\" There was just the slightest bit of smugness in his father\u0027s voice. Not that Gohan was deterred, of course. He could feel his target drawing close.


After one last waving of his tail, the vibrations of the water let Gohan know it was in pursuit, and so he pulled his tail out of the water and let his prey rush out. Its shadow cast over Goku and Gohan like a massive cloud.

在尾巴最后一次挥动后,水的振动让悟饭知道它在追逐,于是他把尾巴从水中抽出,让猎物冲了出来。它的影子像一朵巨大的云一样投射在孙悟空和悟饭身上。Goku\u0027s jaw dropped in awe…the golden fish was the size of an entire house.


Gohan leapt up and took it out with one kick. When it fell to the grass, he landed on its round belly and smirked at his father.


\"You were saying?\" Goku stared at the fish his son stood atop with drool spilling from his mouth, but shook off his greed.

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\"Man, you win! Sheesh, what a fish!\"


After Goku put his clothes back on, the father and son scooped up their catches and slung them over their shoulders like mere duffle bags.


As he carefully walked back to the house, butterflies fluttered through Gohan\u0027s stomach. That might have been the most enjoyable couple of minutes he had experienced in years. Even knowing the threat of Frieza hung over him, he was able to actually enjoy it.


He looked to the side. \"Hey, father…\"




\"I\u0027m…sorry. I\u0027ve been giving everybody a hard time since I\u0027ve e back, but especially you,\" Gohan said, gripping the fish tightly.


\"You\u0027ve really tried.

\" “你真的很努力。”

But it\u0027s like I have this fear that you guys are just pretending to be okay with me.


\"It\u0027s no biggie,\" Goku whimsically brushed off. \"I gave you plenty o\u0027 reason to think so, at least.\"


Gohan recalled Goku\u0027s reaction to his return. He deeply resented it at the time, but as he gave it more thought, it made sense. It was like Bulma had tried to say. And if Gohan felt that way about his own self, of course others would initially get the same impression.


\"Vegeta said something a while back…that I\u0027m scared of myself. And for once, it hadn\u0027t just been a lecture so I could kill people. I\u0027d been ordered to attack him, and I had a whole nervous breakdown.\"


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Gohan looked down, fingers twitching at the memory, burning with anger towards Frieza. \"He was worried about me.\"


\"I\u0027ve been meanin\u0027 to ask about that,\" Goku said. \"Not with Vegeta exactly, but my brother, Raditz.\"


Gohan looked up in surprise.


\"You brought it up a couple of times, but Vegeta didn\u0027t wanna clarify. Did he really sacrifice himself?\"


\"Yeah, it\u0027s true. It\u0027s the only reason Vegeta and I were able to escape. He and our other partner, Nappa – they stood up for us against guys who could rip them apart.\"


Gohan balled up his unoccupied hand. \"The guy even apologized to me for everything.\"


Goku dropped the massive fish, his mouth gaping open in a perfect circle. \"No foolin\u0027?\"


\"Yeah…\" Even saying it, Gohan could hardly believe it happened. He studied his father, who pensively stroked his chin, then planted his hands on hips with deep breaths and nervous fidgets. Gohan could practically see his brain working overtime trying to process it all.


\"Man…wow…\" Goku muttered. He looked over at Gohan and laughed awkwardly. \"I guess shit ain\u0027t all black \u0026 white, huh?\"


Now it was Gohan frozen in surprise.


Such a simple phrasing of it all was really the crux of everything – it wasn\u0027t black and white.


Vegeta, Raditz, Nappa, Gohan…they had all been multiple things all at once. A lot of bad, but some good…and over the years, Gohan struggled at allowing the two shades to coexist.

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Everyone\u0027s outlook and actions were relative to their experience.


Goku lifted the fish back up. \"I dunno if I can forgive him for what he did, but maybe it\u0027s not important after everything. If you\u0027re still alive \u0027n kickin\u0027 \u0027cause of him, then I can live with that.\"


Gohan gave his father a strong, clear-headed nod. So could he.


\"I\u0027m sorry for what I did, too,\" Goku said. \"When I blasted you like that.\"


\"You did what you had to do,\" Gohan replied. He bit his bottom lip as he recalled the aftermath. \"And I know what I said, about how you should have killed me…\" Goku flinched. \"Right, that…\"


\"That form isn\u0027t a problem anymore…but even if that wasn\u0027t the case, I wasn\u0027t in my right mind,\" Gohan admitted.


\"I have too much to live for.\"


\"Ain\u0027t that the truth.\"


They resumed their travels in peaceful silence.


Once they were back home, they dropped the fishes onto the lawn, making the nearby trees shake.


Goku cupped his hands to his mouth. \"CHI-CHI, I\u0027M BACK!\"


The door swung open and Chi-Chi came out. She shriveled in horror at the two fish piled up before her.


\"Now Goku, what am I gonna do with…\" She looked up and stopped herself, realizing everything in front of her.


\"G-Gohan!\" she said, her eyes almost instantly glistening. \"You\u0027re…you\u0027re home.\"


Gohan stared at the grass awkwardly, like he was ten years younger. Chi-Chi walked around the fish and joined the two, a little bit of mystery on her face as she observed Gohan.


\"Didja get taller in just a coupla days?\" she asked with a studious gaze.


Gohan shrugged. \"You could say that…\"


\"Ugh, teenagers. And this hair - oh goodness, I\u0027m already buggin\u0027 again.\"


She leapt away from Gohan with an apologetic smile. \"I\u0027ll leave ya be!\"


She turned around, heading back inside but with a parting message. \"Those things bet\u0027 not get in my house unless they\u0027re in pieces!\"


Goku impishly giggled and turned towards his son. \"Guess we oughta get to slicin\u0027 \u0027n dicin\u0027 then!\"


A few minutes later, Gohan and Goku had all the meat chopped and gathered in a couple of bags. Hauling a few in both hands, they headed for the door.


Gohan took a deep breath as he followed his father inside, ready for any and all emotions to hit him.


When he stepped onto the wood floor and closed the door behind him, he froze. He looked at everything around him – the peach-colored walls, the ceiling fan, the decorations, the pictures. Rooms that he had only ever seen in his dreams for ten years.
